Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Pics


Taman and our cousin, Jamie

Greg and I


Can you say HAPPY?


Taman and Matt

Connor again

Greg trying to wear Connor's Saints Helmet! HAHA


Taman and TJ

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Out of Diapers on Xmas Day?

Well, thank God for Walgreens being 24/7 all the time is all I can say. Now, I feel sorry for the people that have to work on Christmas Day, but I am so happy that Walgreens is open EVERY Holiday!!! We woke up to one diaper per kid today(well, yesterday!) So.....Walgreens it was!! Of course, holiday shopping doesn't come without a price, the people working need to make a little extra for our convenience. It costed $40.00 for 2 pack of diapers! (small packs at that) But, I would rather spend the money than let them wear a washcloth or panties and underwear! EWWW!! I could just about imagine that mess! I do not know how people still use cloth diapers. I would go nuts! ]

Did I mention that Santa Claus went to bed at 2 am and the kids woke up at 5 am to see what Santa brought?? Oh yeah! My coffee pot wasn't on auto, because stockings and gifts were more important than setting my coffee pot. So, I had to drag myself out of bed, make the coffee, and try to see so that I could take pictures. I could barely open my eyes, lol. The kids however, were WIDE AWAKE! Especially when they saw their bikes! Carlee tore into every present in about 10 minutes, and Connor kept getting fascinated with each and every toy he opened. It was very fun, but tiring!

Ok, so...does anyone else celebrate Christmas like 5 days in a row? Now that I have my own family this is really hard! In order to be with all of the family we have to do Christmas every day! I guess I would rather 5 days of Christmas than my Mom and Dad together in the same room! HAHA! Or should I say their whole family!

On that note, we went to my Grandma's house, and seeing everyone made me feel REALLY OLD! I am young, but hey, I am now my aunt and uncles' ages when we would go hang out with them. Now, they are my grandparents' ages when we would go visit them. Did that make sense? Seeing all of my LITTLE cousins' that are like 24 now did not help me feel real young!

I am now listeneing to my 2 yr old, Connor, just sit here and scream at the top of his lungs for nothing. Or should I say for everything. Maybe he needs to go to sleep. Yeah like that is going to happen!

And of course, my oldest, Taman, wants to go shopping today because she has a wad of cash! Now, we cannot have her burn a hole in her pocket, can we? She doesn't want to go with us though, because we don't want to go fight the mall. Our idea of going shopping is going to Best Buy, Wal Mart, and the Bookstore! Connor is screaming so I can't blame her for wanting to get away today because God, I wish he would HUSH already!! Tylenol is calling and it is only 10 am!

Well we are off to shop like the idiots lol. Taman got her way of course, so she went with her boyfriend to go mall shopping. Wal Mart is bad enough for me! I will post later!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Melting Pot, and Crocs of Course! has been a while since my last blog. I have been VERY busy with my uncontrollable teen, who is now staying with my brother until his court date. Sad to say, but it really is not good with him living with me. He refuses therapy, runs away, and other things that no one probably wants to hear. I went to The Melting Pot for my birthday! Well, did anyone know that it is a 3 hour meal? I didn't! Also, did you know you have to cook your own food? I didn't know that either! Well, I went because I thought it would be really nice to go to. Boy am I glad it was just my husband and I. DO NOT BRING KIDS TO EAT THERE! Trust me! So, here is how it goes. They bring you the wine menu and let you look at it for about 20 minutes, all the while, you are smelling everyone else's food, your mouth is getting dry, and you are now dying of thirst. The waitress comes back and takes your drink order. Then you choose which cheese you would like to have, which takes forever to pick because if you are like me, I had no clue what these crazy named expensive cheeses are. So, we now have our drink order placed and our cheese order placed. About 15 minutes later my wine comes, and Greg has no beer. Our waitress FINALLY returns to do our cheese fondue. Now, mind you, it is a spicy cheese that we picked and Greg did not get his beer until half way through. The poor man had to be just about choking, lol.

In the meantime, the waitress is making up our entree broth because we chose to skip the salad..Thank God for that or it would have been 4 hours! Well, we had a young waitress that was totally clueless. She was like, ummmmm sir, you wanted Amber Bita? What is that....ummm ABITA AMBER, A BEER! Waitress::: Oh HAHA! Reminded me of our 16 yr old daughter lol.

Then here comes a plate of RAW veggies and RAW meats.....yep,RAW! You get to cook it yourself for $100.00!!! WOW! They are smart! Let the customers cook and charge a fortune!

We had been listening to the waiter that was handling the table next to us because he knew what he was talking about, unlike little miss sweet and clueless. Our waitress couldn't remember how long to cook each meat for, so okay we learned from the next table.

We started out by trying to cook a lot at once, realizing that it is impossible. So, you cook ONE piece of meat by itself! No wonder it takes hours to eat! Now, the place is extremely nice, and they play calm and relaxing music! The ambience is fantastic and it is a GREAT experience.

So, after our hour ordeal over cooking the fine meats, which were really tasty, we get to order our chocolate YUMMY!!!! She brought a plate out that had marshmallows, cheesecake, and other dippers. Well, it was funny because she was explaining what each item was and she said oh the marshmallows are coconut and ummm........I can't remember, she said....OHHHHHHH OREO COOKIES! OMG I died out laughing. You cannot remember they are rolled in OREOS?

Another table arrived and the waitress was kind of loud, so you can't help but hear, right? So, we are listening to her, and she sounded like a tour guide. Waitress:: Here at the melting pot we believe in safety rules and measures, so please do not eat off of your fondue fork, and this spoon is your safety retriever in case your items fall off of your fork. OKAYYYYYYY!

They really need to find a happy medium between clueless girl and tour guide, lol. But, all in all it was a fun birthday! They even gave me a birthday card! It was very nice! Honestly though, I doubt we go back unless it is another special occassion. But, it is worth trying at least once!

Now on the crocs note....I bought Carlee some crocs, and got an email from the lady. It stated....Just to let you know, crocs fade in the sun if left outside and can also melt. Please do not put your crocs in the dishwasher. OKAY........People put their crocs in the dishwasher to clean them? Are they serious????? And shouldn't ANYONE be smart enough to know that just about EVERYTHING fades in the sun????

Well, I will try to post again later!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Nothing To Do??

As I sit here thinking of the things I should be doing, cleaning, sleeping some more while the kids are asleep, cooking dinner (maybe we will just have leftovers), laundry, dishes, making some Christmas presents, or even studying would be productive....I want to play text twist or type on here. Hmmmm....guess I have nothing better to do! I cannot get motivated this morning!

OHHH,,,,I saw another man in a mobility chair yesterday while picking up my daughter at her school. YES, HE WAS IN THE STREET, and I actually almost hit him. Now, can't you see a van backing up???

And why does her Catholic School have buses I am wondering. No, they do NOT go on field trips, and they DO NOT offer bus services. So, why do I pay for 2 buses to sit in their parking lot?? That NEVER MOVE??!!!

Another thing ticked me off with her school is this.... Now, we ALWAYS pay for gifts for tots or help a family in NEED, right? Well I sent in $20.00 for this so called needy single mom with 2 small children, in hopes that her kids can get a few toys, only to find out she wants a LAPTOP!! HELLO.....where the hell do these people come from?? Your KIDS need Christmas, NOT YOU! Buy your own laptop! My daughter, who is a total blonde, actually came up with a good one this time. She said, "if she wants a laptop, how are they going to afford internet, it isn't cheap!" Needless to say, they are getting toys and clothes!

Guess I should find something really productive to do! I will blog later!


So, are the holidays over with yet? Well, someone wake me up when they are over, lol. Even though this is my FAVORITE time of year, I am SWAMPED!!

I decided to finally, once again, go to the ER because I couldn't breathe last week. Well, of course I had gotten a relapse of Bronchitis along with bad asthma. So, IV steroids, 2 breathing treatments, and Antibiotics for me. Plus a ton of prescriptions! Boy, I am starting Dec. off good! Maybe I should go to the Dr.'s office more often! Ya think?? Well, I highly doubt that I am the only mother of 4 to neglect her own care for her kids!!

Now, I am trying to make my Brother a family photo book of when he was little (because he just had a baby), make his girlfriend a recipe book because she does not know how to cook or clean (SERIOUSLY, SHE LAYS ON THE SOFA ALL DAY AND HER MOM WATCHES THE BABY!) Man, that ticks me off! So, she will probably hate me for her gift, but hey, my brother has to eat, right? Shouldn't she GROW UP?? It isn't PLAYING house when you have a baby, it is REAL! Shoulda bought a damned doll!

I have some SPECIAL things I am trying to do for my Mom as well. But it seems that my kids like to keep watching me clean, so I have not begun those projects yet. They also love getting into whatever I am into at the time, so it becomes a mess and craft things get scattered everywhere!

Last night, I was going through the pictures, lots and lots of pictures, from ages ago. I kid you not, my little kids had to go down memory lane to find out who was who in almost EVERY picture. I finally got frustrated toward the end of sorting, and seeing all my pictures get crumpled, so I picked them up to call it a night.

Well, I started running fever again, because my maid, (HA! wish I had a maid) I mean I, cleaned all day long and just wiped myself totally out yesterday. So, I was extremely tired at around 9 PM. Of course, my kids weren't! My 16 yr old was giving them Hot Chocolate and Cookies, at 9PM!!! So, they were bouncing off the walls, at least until I fell asleep, lol. She gave them the junk food, make em go to bed!

I am fibbing, I didn't make her do it, my husband was still awake playing a game. It actually took me a while to go to sleep! I am not sure why, but I can hear him tick on his mouse or his game and every little thing annoys the hell of out me if I am trying to fall asleep!!!! Once I am out, go for it, blare the TV, turn your game up, snore, whatever....just let me FALL ASLEEP FIRST! Am I the only one with this problem?? I know I have a huge problem with this. But I am laying there, and hear "click, click, click." Then a noise or two, then some music!! GRRRR!! ANNOYING!!!!

Well, on the bright side, my kids are so far.....(I shouldn't speak too soon)...pretty well! My 14 year old finally must be on the right meds because we have been having a great time with NO blowouts. Now, I didn't say he does not get upset! But hey, that is normal! All in all though, he is doing fabulous!

Ok, time for some more coffee to keep me awake! Carlee woke up all but early today and is going through a phase where only a certain person can fix her her food. Ummmm....are you hungry or not??? Then who cares who fixes it!! SHE DOES!! So, Taman had to make Cinnamon toast (while complaining) and TJ made the milk, well she wanted Taman to do the milk too!!! OH WELL! So, I have heard SCREAMING for an hour. Finally, she ate it after I had to cut it into 4 squares, drank her milk, and by pure luck Connor is still asleep! How else could I have written this?! HA! Well, off to get more caffeine!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tea Set, or Pallet, ANYONE??

Why did I ever think of buying YET ANOTHER Tea Set for my 3 yr old daughter. She absolutely LOVES playing with tea sets. My Mom has a "SPECIAL" Tea Set at her house, just for her! Yes, she DOES in fact have a tea set here(one is picked up, and the other is plastic). I was debating whether or not to get her a better tea set for Christmas, added to the other presents that we have already bought. Well, Connor, my 2 yr old son changed my mind on that. Today, with the plastic tea set we have, he decided to transfer his milk from cup, to bowl, to saucer, to sofa! THAT'S RIGHT! To sofa...Milk, on my leather sofa, dripping to the floor, all over him, and trying to seep through the cushions...luckily I caught it before that happened! I don't think we should invest in another tea set just yet! We will just keep the plastic one for playing with and her other set for when I play tea with her!

Now....pallet anyone?? My kids love to sleep on the floor. Nah, they do not have a room or a bed, I make them sleep on the floor! Yeah okay! Anyway, I remember when I was a kid I liked to make pallets, too. I get so sick of the blankets all over the floor, pillows all over, tripping over kids, or toys for that matter! Of course, their pallet consists of much better blankets and options than mine did as a kid. They have a really thick blanket that folds up into a pillow that I HAD to have for $60 bucks each! As well as other nice and neat MATCHING blankets and pillows! We used to have to grab any old blanket and pillow! So, it takes hours to adjust all of the very much needed blankets, pillows, more blankets, and covers, as they call them. By the time we are done, it is almost morning, and I am ready to scream because I tripped over all of it. Okay, so I am exaggerating, lol. You get the picture!

Didn't I say how I love the cool weather lately? Well, in Louisiana we get to love it cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cold again at night! YEP! We have what I call, the "cold" seasons. You know, the ones that make you get sick from changing so much? That is what we have! I anticipate that my kids will be sick before Christmas, actually before December even gets here! They are already getting a runny nose and whining all day!

As for my husband, the good man that he is...our 2 yr old, Connor, (the tea set boy), decided to hit my husband in the eye over the weekend. I am assuming it was with his head, they play rough and no matter how many times I say... "SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET HURT," they do NOT listen!!! Well, it was my husband this time. Now, this is not the first time he has had an eye injury. Connor, yes Connor again, (my sweet little angel)...was playing rough and scraped my husbands eye with a HAIRBRUSH! UH HUH, A HAIRBRUSH! After that, he of course went to the eye Dr and was given some ointment and told he had an abrasion. Go figure! Well, today he went to the eye Dr again and they put a contact in his eye, gave him eye drops, and some ointment again. He could not even keep his lid open very long and it was all red. Well, loving this cool weather that we have, partially, for the past few days I have been napping when he comes home. Now, I don't know why I need this nap, but it is NEEDED! I don't intend to go to sleep, but my husband and I have this thing....when he comes home from work, we lay in the bed with the kids for a little while and have time together. Lately, I have been rolling over after loving on the kids a little, and have been going to sleep. Well, now I feel bad because not only did I nap, but he went and got Taman from school today with his injured eye! I know....BAD WIFE, BAD WIFE!! Sorry hun, and THANK YOU!!!

Monday, November 26, 2007

'Tis the Season!!!

SOOOO....Turkey day is OVER! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! Now it is time for Christmas! MY FAVORITE TIME OF YEAR!

I went Christmas shopping (OF COURSE NOT ON THE BIG SALE DAY)..I would rather cut off my arm than go shopping the day after Thanksgiving. When my older kids were little I was traumatized at the store. After going on my big SALE hunt for the day, I was kicked and yanked on, kids were thrown to the floor, and injured, all for a damned Tickle Me Elmo! Thank God for Ebay and online shopping now! WOO HOO!!!

I managed to find ALL the presents that the kids needed...I mean...WANTED! I always tend to "overbuy." I have a bad habit that way, at any given time of year, but it gets really bad during the Holiday Season! I LOVE TO GIVE GIVE GIVE!!! So, after a day of shopping, I lay everything out on the bed, and freak out over all of my purchases! The whole time we shopped, my husband and I kept saying that we would not buy a ton of things to junk up our house! Well, we did not follow our rule....the kids have way too much as it is now, and with Santa coming, I really do not where on Earth I will put all of their NEW toys! I could have rewrapped the toys in their toybox and they probably would have NEVER known! They always play with the same things over and over, when they find something that they consider NEW, they are like, WOW! Oh well, 'Tis the Season!!!

Now, my older kids want MONEY!!! Of course they do! Why not? I love how we draw names for all the kids for Christmas, and we all ask what their kids want...we all say MONEY for the older, why not take their name out of the hat???? We are only trading our MONEY!! Ridiculous!

I like doing the name drawing, and I used to love the game we played at Christmas, where you buy a male and female gift. Then you steal the present, whatever it is called. Well, on my side of the family everyone is cheap! Our limit is $, I would ALWAYS go buy extra things, because for $10.00 I cannot find anything really worth giving! I would end up with a $5.00 tin of Popcorn that someone caught on sale. So, I quit playing. My mother says that I am a party pooper...but it is not fun there, and I end up with JUNK. Now, on my husbands side, our limit was $40.00, so that was great! But now, other families have come into the picture, leaving his family not wanting to trade gifts. I can't blame them, but it does spoil the fun! At least we still trade with the kids! That is what it is all about anyway!

I am loving this cool weather we have now, too! Especially the fact that it makes my little kids sleep in late!!! I have been sleeping until about 9AM!! Geez, from 6AM wake up call to 9AM...guess we are getting used to this time change after all!

This cool weather is also making me want my hot chocolate, and watch Christmas movies and cartoons with the kids! I don't know why, but EVERY SINGLE YEAR, I just LOVE to watch all those movies! We own the Original Frosty and Rudolph DVD's that comes on TV every year, too. I absolutely HAVE to watch those!! I get all cozy and warm feeling and curl up with my hot cocoa, plop down on the sofa to watch our movies! Last night was Santa Claus, with Tim Allen and this morning we have already watched part 2! Wonder what tonight will it is The Christmas Story! FUN FUN!! REALLY, it is!!

Well, Happy Holidays to ALL! Tam~

Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Okay....Here is another thing that is annoying! We live in a suburb of New Orleans, so, there really isn't a lot of people who want to work! Now, you would think, after 2 years since the hurricane has hit us, people would NEED money and WANT to work. NOT THE CASE!! So lines in stores are outrageous! Also, restaurants are horrible as well! My husband and I go eat at 5:30 if we are going to dinner, just to avoid a 45 minute wait (minimum)

I actually HATE WAL-MART and now WINN-DIXIE...which I used to go there to get away from the lines at Wal-Mart, even though it costed more! They are running close in rank with each other now!

Everytime I get in either store, it takes me longer to check out than it did to spend time to get my groceries and other items! Now, keep in mind that I have 4 kids and a husband with me MOST of the time. So, when we do serious shopping, it takes QUITE a while!! We have to CAREFULLY select which PRIZE each kid is going to get, and my husband has to SLOWLY look at games for the computer, and of course the 2 teens have to have SOMETHING special to eat, that is ONLY for them! So, imagine all of that, while my little kids run around the store during the trip...or do not watch where they are going and you constantly have to apologize for someone almost running over does take a while!

Then, we all go scouting for the shortest check out...each with cell phones in hand ready to call the person with the basket full of items, so someone in the line can complain that we had another person wait in line for us. The call comes, so the buggy gets rushed into the "oh so short line!" UH HUH!

IT NEVER FAILS!!!! I can have one person in line in front of me, or twenty! I ALWAYS manage to pick the wrong line. It is like I am cursed! I end up reading two or three of the magazines on the rack, (at least I don't have to buy them) the kids end up opening candy and cokes, find junk at the register that other people did not let their kids have, so mine want it. I am at the register for at least a half an hour. Now, mind you, God did not grant me with the virtue of patience! I get annoyed quite easily, especially when I have had enough at the store and I am ready to get home. (not that I really want to go unload all of it and pick it up, I just want to get out of the store!)

I ALWAYS.............get behind the little old lady who is looking for pennies (which makes me want to hand her a dollar)or she still writes checks, even though the store now fills out the check for you and hands it back to you (why not use your debit card?)...or I get behind the alcoholic who does not have enough money (which ALMOST makes me want to give him money)...or I get behind someone who REALLY, REALLY wants their item that has NO PRICE! Now, the cashier LOVES THIS! She can fart around and go PRETEND to LOOK for a price on an item that is 10 feet away from her and take 15 minutes doing it, giving herself a little bit of a break! (I on the other hand, either have an extra one that has a price, or I say forget it, I am not waiting!) Or....I get behind someone who has a TON of coupons! Sure, with 4 kids, I probably could use coupons, but I always have expired ones, forget to use them, or I have ones that are not good yet (from Winn Dixie). So, I NEVER have coupons!

I also get behind the people who have the I know you may need it...but please get what you are supposed to get and NOT the wrong brand! YOU and the cashier KNOW what you need!! This makes me have to wait because you got Borden milk and you need Generic! I also love getting behind someone with Food Stamps that does not know how much money is on their card! Don't they give you a phone number to check the balance BEFORE you go?? Then, I have to wait while they put certain items back because they do not have any money with them!

The BEST is....when someone is almost done with checking out and they forgot they leave to go get the cashier should say no, you will have to get back in line and finish this transaction....but the cashier LOVES this one too! She can stand there and talk to the next cashier about her life and her day while you stand there waiting for the missing person to return! By this time I am boiling and need a cigarette!

Sometimes I leave my husband to finish up while I go smoke! Unless, of course, I have something that requires a receipt to get OUT OF THE STORE! YES! HERE, they actually PAY someone to look at the receipt! Now, you wait in line forever, and then you go to walk out of the store and there is YET ANOTHER LINE!!! NO YOU CANNOT GO AROUND THEM! I HAVE TRIED!! I STILL TRY!! The person HAS to check your receipt. THEY DO NOT EVEN READ IT! THAT IS WHAT GETS ME! WHY ARE YOU EVEN THERE HOLDING UP A LINE TO MARK IT WITH A PEN???

And the annoying alarm that says...PLEASE STEP BACK...YOU HAVE ACTIVATED OUR SECURITY SYSTEM....BLAH BLAH the beginning YES IT WAS A DETERRENT FOR THEFT! NOW...the cashier is too lazy to deactivate items and EVERYONE or ALMOST EVERYONE goes off at the door. What does the guy do??? NOTHING!!! So, again, WHY IS THIS GUY GETTING PAID TO STAND AT THE DOOR AND HOLD UP THE LINE???? I HAVE NO CLUE!! JUST TO MAKE ME MORE MAD I GUESS!

I still do not know why they pay a BUGGY BOY, when there is NEVER a buggy IN THE STORE! You have to find one in the parking lot. If not, well, good luck on getting one in the store!

So, after an episode of going shopping (with 4 kids and a husband), that is supposed to be a FUN experience...I am ready to get home, have a stiff drink, and call it a night! NO....I do not do that, but that is what should be done. Instead, it is then time to unload all of the stuff and pick it up! With kids wanting all their new toys and candy opened lol! WHAT FUN!

Dried Bologna

So I wake up today and go to do my homework, which I have not done in a few days. Guess what I found??? DRIED BOLOGNA on my desk! HOW EXCITING!!

Let's back up....last night Carlee had to have Bologna, because we didn't feed her ALL day long! We let her starve, gave her no water, milk, or anything, YEAH OK! So, at 9PM she wants Bologna....of course she gets it! You are talking about the child that SCREAMED, STOMPED, and carried on yesterday because her dad cut her Ham and Bologna Sandwich in 4 triangles and she asked for 4 SQUARES!!! Of course she got another sandwich in 4 squares too, while other kids are begging for anything, regardless of how it is cut!!!

Well...Connor is "Monkey see Monkey do!" So YES, he HAD TO HAVE BOLOGNA! Last night I saw his bologna on the sofa, we asked was he going to eat it....sure he was...that is why it ended up on a pillow...I then threw it out. Guess I forgot he had another piece, which is now on my desk all shriveled up and dried....NICE!!!

Am I the only one around that finds the weirdest things in sofa cushions, behind the sofa, and UNDER the sofa??? Or even on my desk?? I swear, I can clean daily, and I kid you not, something GROSS is going to be found in SOME unknown area! I find all sorts of things, like they are "SAVING IT FOR LATER!" Pop Tarts...well pieces, all crumbled up, suckers that have already been sucked on and now STUCK to the inside of my sofa, cereal ALWAYS finds it's way into my sofa! I can go on and on! It is like my sofa attracts EVERYTHING! Did I mention, I don't like them to eat in the LIVING ROOM??? Obviously my kids are so well behaved and ALWAYS listen to me! UH HUH!

I really think that all of my kids like to see me clean non-stop all day! I clean up one mess, only to see that they have made two more, bigger messes, for me to clean up! Seriously, this happens DAILY! Of course, I have nothing better to do with my time, right? That is why I am clean up after all of them! I don't know what happened to my kids' HELPING me clean while singing the annoying Barney "CLEAN UP" song. I would rather hear that all day and get help! They are all out of that stage now!

TJ is one of my worst, and he is 14! I find Capri Sun packs, old straws, drinks, and food that I cannot even make out what it was before, all UNDER his bed! That is a GREAT place for things! Let's just shove it under the bed...NOONE will EVER know! OOOOKKK!! Can you say GROSS??? Guess that is a boy thing, I dunno! I literally have to beg him to keep HIMSELF fully clean, nails clipped, put his dirty clothes in the hamper so they actually get WASHED before he wears them again, and brush his teeth! He is worse than the little ones. You would think if a boy wants a girlfriend, he would want to have perfect hygiene...guess it doesn't matter....if only the girls' who like him could see behind the closed doors! They would run for the hills, lol!

Now Taman, my 16 year old...HYGIENE FREAK!!! She even has a routine...EVERY THURSDAY SHE SHAVES...and she takes like an hour shower or soak EVERYDAY! Doesn't the water get cold after a while?? I really wouldn't know because I have to rush when I take a bath! For me, it is bathe, shave and GET OUT! I don't have time to be soaking in a hot tub of water, or letting my shower water run forever just to massage me! She is forever filing her nails, polishing them, cleaning her face, brushing her teeth, and using MYYYYY specific SHAVING CREAM, and bath items!!! Guess that is the joy of having a girl! I OWN NOTHING! IT ALL ENDS UP IN HER ROOM, OR SHE USES IT BEFORE I CAN!!! This child goes as far as using my baby wipes to clean the bottom of her feet is she walks outside..and if she wears something for more than 10 goes right into my DIRTY LAUNDRY!!! She used to have the "GIRL BOOK" know, the kind (they have all kinds) that tells the girls' about their bodies and how to take care of themselves....well I am not lying when I say that book was her BIBLE!! SHE LIVED BY THAT BOOK! Too bad I couldn't go edit it and say....LEAVE YOUR MOM'S THINGS ALONE....TAKE LESS TIME IN THE TUB....AND IF YOU JUST TRY CLOTHES ON, AND DECIDE NOT TO WEAR THAT OUTFIT...IT IS NOT CONSIDERED DIRTY!!! THAT IS MORE FOR YOUR MOTHER TO WASH!!! ALSO, HELP OUT DAILY, FOR FREE, AND WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!! YEAH, that would have been nice! Guess that is the difference of having boys and girls!

Now, I have 2 miniatures! Carlee and Connor!!! Was I a nut?? Did I not learn, lol! Of course I love all of my children....but did I want to torcher myself all over again just because they are cute!! AND Yes, they are ALL cute! My husband and I laugh at every silly thing they do! Trust me, it is A LOT! Connor even has this accent...where he got that, I have no clue. An example is when he says his name...he says...Connoir...well, he is French, lol!

Taman has Blonde moments, which we laugh at all the time, TJ, well, he doesn't like to joke alot. Carlee LOVES her knock knock jokes, that make NO SENSE WHAT SO EVER!! But, she is so funny that we have to laugh EVERY TIME! It really is funny! Connor is just cute in the way he talks and acts...."MY NAME IS MONKEY BOOTS!" Just out of the blue! Kids are so random, and really so cute and funny! That is what makes it hard to be such a strict parent, at least for us, because as much as it is funny, sometimes you have to make yourself not laugh! BUT....think about it....they are only little once...and you have to laugh at it....or else we would all go nuts!!

Monday, November 19, 2007


Most of you PROBABLY think that YOU have the best Hubby (or partner)...Well, I believe that MY HUSBAND got the award this year...I mean month lol! He secretly surprised me with a massage from the masseuse I used to go to!!! W-O-W! What more can I say! I NEEDED IT BADLY! THANKS HUN! Did I mention he is the best????

My younger kids were away this weekened so that I could have my Daughter's SWEET 16 Bash! I had a ton of kids over and it all went well! I have actually let my daughter build her own little area in my backyard. I had an old hutch I didn't want to throw out, so her boyfriend and his friends painted it black. They spray painted glow in the dark playboy things on it, along with some black lights, and other things to make like a bar. The College guys across the street were throwing out an L shaped bar and some Corona lights, so my daughter and her friends asked if they could have them. They painted the bar part black as they now have their own little hang out out back! They have a big stereo out there with my hammock, swing, picnic table, and my wrought iron table and a lot of chairs! So, they have a GREAT set up! THE ONE RULE::::::: NO ALCOHOL BACK THERE! So far SO GOOD!

I would rather my kids and friends be hanging out in my backyard til 3AM than getting in trouble or something! Wish I had a COOL MOM LIKE ME WHEN I WAS GROWING UP! OH WAIT....THEY SAY I AM MEAN! HAHA!

Why am I so tired??? This year this time change has really hit me! Anyone else? It will be 6:00 at night and it feels like 10PM....SERIOUSLY! I am either getting old or this has screwed me up majorly! I have been going to bed soooo early! Now, didn't we GAIN an hour??? So, why do I feel like I have LOST an hour??








I am writing this because a man down my street----BUSY STREET---Uses his chair to go to Winn Dixie EVERY SINGLE DAY! He also uses his chair to drive around the neighborhood! Now, sure that is all fine. BUT..HE RIDES ON THE STREET LIKE IT IS A CAR!! PEOPLE ALMOST HIT HIM DAILY!!!!!! HE CARRIES A STICK TO RUN FROM DOGS!! (HE actually HAD to use his stick one day because his chair was not as fast as the dogs!)COME ON!!!! I EVEN SAW A LADY IN THE SUBWAY DRIVE THRU THE OTHER DAY IN HER CHAIR!!! COMMON SENSE PLEASE!!!

Sorry to those who are offended by this, and yes, as I said, I will probably want one someday. But, I am trying to HELP YOU!!





PLEASE LEARN HOW TO DRIVE YOUR CHAIR!!! I CAN BARELY DRIVE MY BASKET (since of course half of the buggies are in such great condition and have squeaky wheels, or missing a wheel)





FOR THOSE OF YOU WHO DO NOT FOLLOW THE LAW....AND IT IS AT YOUR HOUSE....IT IS NOT FOR GARBAGE....WEEDS....OR ANYTHING OF THE SORT!!! (I saw Garbage and trees in a buggy the other day at someone's house!!)




Monday, November 12, 2007

Been Crazy!

Okay, so I have a little free time to Blog! It has been quite chaotic here lately! Kids spinning on my computer chair, laughing about time outs, and even rubbing CHEESE on my living room TV....CHEESE!!! Of all things! It was fun cleaning it out of my rug, too. About as fun as cleaning the grits out of it the other morning! Aren't huge expensive area rugs supposed to last a while. Well, I guess it is almost time for a new one, and mine wasn't that expensive, lol!

Another dreading Dr.'s Appointment AGAIN tomorrow! YES AGAIN!!! With 4 kids, why wouldn't I like to go to the Dr. EVERYDAY! Seriously, when I call in to my Pediatrician, they know who I am and just ask which child. Or all?

My daughter (the 16 yr old) says I am being over dramatic, so I showed her my calendar. She ran off mumbling the words "I DON'T CARE!" HMMM....I can tell ya who is the over dramatic one! Trust me, I have tried my hardest to get this girl to take Drama classes. I just know she could make us millionares with her drama! A girl has to follow her talent, right? Well, it doesn't interest her in making money for that.

Actually, she doesn't really like anything that requires work. I told her she needs a job for car insurance, well, I guess she thinks that I am going to pay $200 a month in letting her be my babysitter. HAHA to that one! She likes to just stick her hand out for money, make a long list of items for when I go to the store, or just throw things in the cart. I love spending time with just her, but her idea of spending time with me now, is going to the mall, trying on 20 pairs of shoes at numerous stores, and ME paying for everything that she sees! Then, not liking ANY of the shoes after spending HOURS looking and trying on, we end up at the VERY FIRST store and buy the FIRST PAIR OF SHOES THAT SHE TRIED ON! YES THAT HAS HAPPENED BEFORE! I HATE SHOPPING WITH HER! Can we say SPOILED????

She says my 3 year old is spoiled because Carlee(my 3 yr old) was walking around singing to her songs with her Disney MP3 player. Okay, yes, she DOES IN FACT own an MP3 player. My 2 and 3 year old own EVERY Baby Einstein DVD, almost EVERY LEAPFROG TOY, and just about everything else! They are all SPOILED!

My 3 year old has full access to the Computer (which is now a fight for my 2 yr old) and knows how to print her pages and write/type her name as well. My husband works in a field with computers, and what can I say, I am into this too. So, needless to say, our kids love Educational things and the PC! We only have 4 laptops and a Computer, so it is REAL hard to share here! SERIOUSLY, THEY DO NOT SHARE WELL!

So, it is not even Christmas yet and I am finding myself giving my kids EVERYTHING! My son (14 yr old) just ordered a few Hollister shirts and pants, and my daughter got her Boots and some other shoes she wanted. HMMM....shouldn't they take that into consideration when they open only A FEW Christmas presents?? Her birthday is a week away and I am suckered into way more than I bargained for.

First, okay, it ISSSSS HER SWEET 16! But, she watches that damn show on MTV. Now, we DO NOT live in Beverly Hills, or Laguna Beach! We live in Jefferson, Louisiana....REALITY!!! NOT REALITY TV! Noone pays us for being on a show and looking like idiots. We act like ourselves for free, in the privacy of our own home! So, I said NO to a 3K Party and a BMW/LEXUS/PORSCHE.....she couldn't decide. Thank God she did not get her hopes up, well, better yet, I can get her all 3 of those...IN HOT WHEELS CARS!! HAHA! That will be a good one!

She could not figure out what she wanted for a party, so she decided to have friends over. Okay no problem. Well, little did I know, but I had a deadline for REDECORATING HER ROOM!!!! Okay that will be the gift. Buying all new things, paint, fix everything up. Then came the shoes she wanted, so okay, got the shoes. Next were her boots! Okay GOT THOSE TOO! THEN....(since I am a Cosmetologist) she decides that she needed her hair done YESTERDAY AT 4:00....Now not just a simple ole haircut or anything. A DOUBLE PROCESS! Meaning, Highlights and Low Lights, and of course wash my hair really good, and then cut it. Then after she blow dries it I get told where to put more color! Glad she is the one who went to school for that! SO, I not only got to pay for her hair, I got to do it as well! Shouldn't I get free babysitting for that?

So now I have to order Pizza from a specific Pizza place (because a girl she is friends with needs a ride over here and they own the pizza place) that is only 20 minutes away, rent movies, and entertain everyone! OKAYYYY....Boy do I have DUMB*SS written on my forehead!!!

They are all leaving to go work out! YEAH! But they conveniently always think that they can just take my Van. Well, HELLOOOOO.....let your boyfriend take you and learn how to spend YOUR OWN GAS MONEY!! It is ONLY right at $3.00 a gallon!!! I have no clue what she is going to do when she does get a car! I already pay for Catholic School and bring her and pick her up! Not to mention everything else.

Her "sperm donor"...sorry...I really mean her great giving her an OLD car, that she really did not want, but is settling for because she wants a NEW CAR from us when she is 18 and goes to college! need a J O B !!! Also, it is a STICK SHIFT!!! I dunno how this is going to work out!!! I can see her with her cute lil Blonde self.....Talking on her Pink Chocolate phone, spraying perfume, putting on lipstick, checking out her hair, and trying to shift gears!!! BEWARE EVERYONE!! Well, we are getting full coverage!

I have made a friend on here already! WOO HOO for me. I found someone who deals with some of the same issues I deal with daily. Not that I wish that on anyone, but it is a good thing to know that I am not alone! Thanks to "J" for reading my blog! Now, anyone else who wishes to comment, please feel free! I do not blog to air my dirty laundry, although it does help me vent. But I have found a friend and maybe I can help her and vice versa!! So, I really think this is a great way to help others and yourself!!!

Okay, well my 3 yr old just licked her bowl (like a puppy dog) because she ate all her ice cream and wanted to finish it....God forbid leave a mark in the bowl....and my 2 year old is jumping on every furniture piece he can jump on! SUGAR HIGH CITY HERE WE COME!!! On that note......I will leave you all to have a good night!!

Friday, November 9, 2007

For Jerilynne

Well, we have tried the "HOSPITAL" thing, and honestly, I think "JUVI" is the only thng that can help. At least for my son. When I was pregnant for my 3 1/2 year old, he kicked me in my stomach NUMEROUS times! I was on bedrest for both of my last children, and getting kicked was my last straw! We sent him to a place over here where we live. It really did do a little good that time. Then he wanted to live with his dad. Basically, the Dr. evaluates the kid, and decides whether they need to stay. Then, YOU CANNOT TAKE HIM OUT! BY LAW THEY KEEP HIM FOR ABOUT A WEEK. They do not keep them longer than one week usually.

Well, living with his dad, when he OD on the Xanax, because the lady had not pressed charges yet, they took him to a hospital. I really don't think it did good. They let him off the hook for juvi since he did time in the hospital. The lady's son, who took the meds with him went to juvi for 3 days. Honestly, I think he did better, but he is still messed up too! That mom couldn't take anymore, so she tried to OD on her own Xanax. So, I refuse to let him hang out with this family. We live over an hour away anyway, so all he can do is talk over the phone, IF he does that!

I do not know what to tell you either!! Yeah, I know what you mean with the cops hand cuffing them and US balling about it. It is definetely TOUGH LOVE!!!! I wish you the best..cuz girl, I know what you are going through!!! Even with finally getting sleep.

If you have an MSN messenger account, I would love for you to add me. My email is

Well, yesterday was all sweet and nice because of course, my husband is home. SO, TJ is being on his good behavior. I cannot stand this jeckyl/hyde crap!!! It is like you never know what is gonna make them tick! That is how it was living with my ex husband!

I dunno if his meds are not right or what, we go to the Dr all the time for med checks. He brought up the fact the other night that I take meds. Well hell, I have 4 kids, I had bed rest for the last 2. I was in labor (full blown) my whole pregnancy. I took shots and pills to stop labor, and I had to go in weekly!!! I had post partum depression really bad. I finally changed Dr's because they were basically doping me up, and I hate that feeling! So, I got off almost all my meds. He said that he didn't live here when I was taking meds, so it isn't cuz him! Well, even though they do not live with you, I was getting DAILY 6 AM calls about his behavior and crap. So, HELLOOOOOOO.....I TAKE MEDS FOR ALL OF YOUR SAFETY!!!

I get migraines really bad too! But, I have no time for an extra appt. and I already know it is tension headaches (from when I went to the Dr before about my migraines)This is what helps me.... (if you have spare money) which I haven't been able to go in a long while! I had a knot in the center of my back under my head (right under my neck, like a hump). I thought I was getting Osteoporosis! LOL....well, I started going to a REAL MASSEUSE! This woman does hot rocks and everything, and within 3 visits my knot was gone! It is expensive, but you cannot get relief from a spa! I tried that! I also went to Cosmetology School , and trust me, we learn BASICS there!! So, spa treatment is crap! My lady uses a vacuum thing and it gets the blood flowing where it needs to flow and it really feels GREAT!!!! It helps with my headaches and aching. Basically from being tense alot your muscles stay contracted causing tension headaches! The usual charge is $75 an hour....but they have discounts where you can get like 4 for $250....which is what I used to get. Just to give you a round about figure! I also told her upper back, neck, head, and arms! I did not need full body! Hope that helped!


Thursday, November 8, 2007

What A Week!

Well today I have to drive an hour and a half to take my 14 yr old to the Orthodontics. His Dad and I made an agreement that I pay for my daughter to have braces, and he paid for my son. That was not an easy agreement to make! But, at the time, TJ was living with him. So, he really did not have a choice. Trust me, this man is Jeckyl and Hyde....and NEVER cooperates with me whatsoever! My mom tried to tell me that men change after you get divorced, I said nooooooooooooo not him....What can I mom is always right! (Did I say that out loud? LOL)

I thank Jerilynne for the advice on my teen. I do pick and choose my battles, but he makes it VERY difficult to handle him! Even when I just ignore it! It is like, I will ignore it, then he gets all up in my face wanting to argue. Now, there is more to his story than I said. He has hung around the wrong crowd while living at his dad's house, and OD on Xanax, put his dad in a headlock, had the cops called on him, and now has a court date for probation. We are past the fends, I know this because we had to go to the Fends office for him missing 30 days of school already, while living with his dad. So, this is not easy.

After my last post, he got violent with all of us, and my 3 yr old came in here crying that he was saying bad words. I went to talk to him about it and he put his fingers in his ears, going BLAH BLAH BLAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU! Now, he is not 2!!! He got so mad that he threw some things (VERY HARD) at the closet, and something hit my 3 yr old in mid air! He then continued to yank my arm out of his way to run in the living room, knock over my small desk I do my homework on, (well flip it all over), and slam the door while walking outside. Now, I REFUSE to let my little kids be involved in an environment like this!!!! It is not healthy, and they cry all the time when he acts like this! So, I (yes, me) called the cops on him! He then banged his hand into my porch numerous times, and then hit the glass, and broke it with bare fists! So, he was once again self inflicting pain! He even got real mad earlier that day and tensed all up and just went to pulling his own hair and hair was all over!

The cop didn't really do anything, but he told my son that he COULD be awarded to the state and go to a home if he does not straighten up!

We go to the psychiatrist alot and he is on meds. But, something has to give! I cannot and WILL not put up with this! Now, if it wasn't so extreme, and wasn't causing the other kids harm, I could handle it! But it is!

I would love to hear from you again, Thanks for posting.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You Wouldn't Believe ME!

Well, I figured only 3 days with my husband couldn't be that bad, right? I mean, come on, it isn't that hard for a FEW days. Guess I spoke wayyyyy too soon! My little kids were fine, and even went to bed at a decent time and so did my 16 yr old daughter. Well, 16 on NOV. 19!

My 14 yr old son on the other hand.....well, if I told you everything, I doubt you would even believe me. Maybe you would, but you would wonder why I DIDN'T torcher him half to death, knock his teeth down his throat, or beat him with a coat hanger (I DID NONE OF THIS). Mind you, he has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD, but THAT IS NO EXCUSE FOR HOW I WAS TREATED!

Just to brief you on a little of it....I asked him to clean up chips after the dishes ordeal....well he CRUMBLED them all up in his hand AFTER.. I TRIED HELPING HIM! Getting them further in the rug, and making a bigger mess than my little kids already had. He then complained over me not cooking...ALL NIGHT LONG! Saying how he was going to starve to death, and it was like at his dad's house, and we had no food. Now sure, I need to go to the grocery store, and yeah there wasn't a lot of junk, but we all managed to get full. I offered him numerous things, but that wasn't what he wanted! OF COURSE NOT!

He kept shouting the "F" WORD all the time towards me for no apparent reason, and even went so far as to call me a B*tch NUMEROUS times throughout the night! Well, I am not one to play games. I don't care what you are diagnosed with! He is 14 NOT 18...and until he gets his own place......TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!

I tried talking with him, that did not I ignored him! Well, that led him to want to "RUN AWAY" with only a pair of shorts on and it was a chilly night....then he got mad because I left him in the cold....Well, he said he was leaving....I said "OK, it's late, lock the door on your way out!"

Now, I am NOT going to give in and BEG him to come inside....just like the other day...he got out of my car to WALK home! Well, walk on your bad leg....I stopped to pick him up ONCE, he didn't get in the van...What am I supposed to do?? I called the cops to make sure he got home okay and they filed a report! I did go outside once, to smoke (I needed NICOTINE!), and while I was outside I asked him if he wanted to come in and he said no. I said knock when you can act right.

Finally he knocked after like 45 minutes. Now, it is NOT MY FAULT that you waited that long to come in!! You are not 2 years old, even though that is what you are acting like! So, I got screamed at for letting him stay outside! This kind of attitude continued ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Until about was like he was egging me on and trying to see if he could blow my fuse! HE WANTED TO ARGUE! Glad that night of hell is over! Well, I still have another night!

He was told to bring all his work home and he cannot go anywhere today! We shall see how he acts today. He sure did not act good this morning! BOY O BOY! I dunno what to do! Ignoring it is better than acknowledging it to me!

Today has been really fun dealing with time out with little mr 2 yr old. He has been hitting, biting, and even took his diaper off and peed on my FLOOR! Yes, my FLOOR! That was just mopped, and to top it off I STEPPED ALL IN IT! Exciting!!! That felt great on the way to get a diaper! So, I lightly tapped his leg and put him in time out....after I put another diaper on him!

My 3 yr old just finished eating her bologna sandwich and decided to stomp on her paper plate....I mean, our FINE CHINA! So, that is shredded in a bunch of pieces for me to clean! FUN FUN FUN!!!

IS IT WEDNESDAY YET???? I will try to type tonight providing I can get a chance!

Monday, November 5, 2007


Monday is here, and my husband went out of town again today! It is only for 3 days, so I guess that isn't so bad. Except that my 2 year old has cried ever since he left. Did I say cry?? I meant kick and scream, reallly reallllly loud..."I WANT MY DADDY!"

My 14 yr old called while I am waiting for him at school. Both kids screaming in the car and the cell goes off. Now, I have no clue what this number is, so of course I answer it. I still don't know whose phone he used, but he wanted to walk home...Yes with the "injured" knee! Well, he got his way because I did NOT want to hear it. Now I can't get him inside. It NEVER fails, it is like there is NO discipline when my husband is gone. Now he is refusing to take a bath and won't help with anything. Wait, he will help, but he is being a pain in the rear doing it. I told him to do the dishes, and he SCRAPED the muffin pan, with one hand. Might I add, that water was getting all over, and it was on TOP of the regular dishes, like my glasses and other things that should have been loaded in the dishwasher FIRST! Tonight is not a good night for my ADHD kid! The wireless card for his laptop and his cell is now mine!

BEFORE my husband even left, my 16 yr old asked could she go work out on the days he was gone. We both said no, and she continued to whine ALL weekend long about it. I finally gave in to get her to shut up! Now, it's not that I mind her leaving to go work out or do anything. But, she waits to leave until about 7:30 and returns home at like 9PM. That still isn't bad, but she feels the need to COOK (now, notice I didn't say heat something up, eat a bowl of cereal, or grab a snack) YES, COOK....AFTER a workout! So, it make my other kids feel the need to eat AGAIN! That just doesn't work for me! If I have already served you dinner, grab a snack at 9PM!

Ok, as I am typing this, her 18 yr old boyfriend came over. My 2 yr old son ADORES this boy! He really is a good kid. My son even says he is Matt's and Taman's baby lol. Well, anyway, somehow she conned her boyfriend into bathing my little kids! They usually do this chore for me most of the time, and it helps me out alot. But tonight, I didn't even have to say anything! WOW! Another PRICELESS Moment! After that, she somehow managed to make him do the dishes!

Well, I wish he would have cooked the Ramen Noodles. For the life of me, I cannot cook Ramen Noodles, or Fried Chicken! I can bake homeade cakes, cookies, etc. I can cook a Pot Roast, Meatloaf, just about anything. But, give me a pack of those damned noodles, and they come out gummy! Weird! I just can't get 'em right!

We had noodles because there was no milk here, so I could't make anything requiring biscuits. I didn't thaw any meat out today, so that went out of the window! We just had hotdogs the other day, and I ordered pizza over the weekend. So, I couldn't really cook anything. I guess I could have cooked eggs and toast, but the kids rathered my gummy noodles!

Thanks to Jerilynne for posting! I don't even know how to put ads up here, but I don't have time for that either! With 4 kids, who does? Thanks for reading my blog! I am feeling much better! Maybe I shouldn't say that out loud, lol!

Well, I am off to get crayon off the wall, an ink pink from my 2 yr old, clean the gummy noodles off the table,(guess they were trying to wax it for me), watch Zack and Cody for the 100th time...or High School Musical! FUN!

Hopefully at some point I can finish this chapter for school! I will try to write tomorrow!

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekends are for fun??

Well, I haven't been able to type a lot lately since I only have 4 kids, a husband, and bronchitis.

Friday my 14 yr old had an appointment that only lasted 3 hours because the Dr. was "running behind." Basically he went to Starbucks in between appointments (I think), and I had the receptionist page him constantly! Why?? I mean, sure, had I been able to just sit there and relax, read a magazine or two, I would have been fine! NOOOO! I decide I am going to take my two little kids to the supposedly "FREE" daycare in the hospital. They have this so that you can go to your appointment without all the running around in the Dr.s office. I get in there and the lady wants me to fill out a dozen papers and pay her $10.00----it costs $5.00 per child! They said "FREE!" What happened to that? So, I walk off saying "Oh it will only be a half an hour." Well, I get upstairs to find out there are NO toys in sight and another guy is stil ahead of us. So, after hearing things like: "He hit me", "Stop it", "I'm telling", I decide the $10.00 is worth it, right?? The lady informs me that they will be closing in about 40 minutes! What??? Not only do you charge, but you do not STAY open all day??? Needless to say, I was a basketcase after that appointment!

Today comes, and we usually all go to Ihop EVERY Sat! We get there and not one of my kids can figure out what they want to eat! Now, we only know this menu by heart! After taking forever and a day and drinking about 5 cups of coffee we can now husband said I exaggerated on 3 cups of coffee, lol.

During the course of the meal I tell my older kids that they have chores and are going to watch the little kids while my husband and I go to Wal Mart. NO, I really did not want to bring ANY of my kids with me. Bad enough the "BIG KID" loves to throw stuff in the cart, too. Throughout my shopping, my phone keeps ringing! Of course, it was my oldest, saying that her brother won't help clean...BLAH BLAH BLAH! Well, I made my husband deal with it! I felt like I had left my 2 and 3 year old home.....ALONE.... hard is it to read 5 things on a list and do it together??? I can manage to do laundry, dishes, and clean my own room! WITH NO HELP!

Well, I got home and still made them help me with things. That is what weekends (or at least one of the weekend days) are for....everyone helping clean, right? Well, my oldest daughter tells me that I should be cleaning because "I AM JUST A HOUSEWIFE!" Oh, I blew my gasket! Just a housewife???? A housewife who raised you alone, worked, and went to Cosmetology School to get a License. Now, remarried with two more kids, and in College again for Early Childhood Education! Nah, I wasn't mad at all, NO WAY! YEAH RIGHT!!!!! I was ready to smack her! Did this "HOUSEWIFE" not just order $100.00 in boots for you, redo your room, and plan your 16th Birthday Party! Christmas is right around the corner......and Santa knows she has not been nice!

She apoligized later, which I guess was supposed to make it all better. But, the thing is, she only says she is sorry so that she can go somewhere, or when she wants something else. Sound familiar?

My son (14 yr old) huffed while doing his work, but he really didn't say much! I can handle some huffs and pouting! Hey, I hate cleaning too. But I do NOT make all this mess! Actually, I usually pick up my things. My husband says I haved OCD because I am always cleaning, and everything has a "HOME!" I just think I am a little bit of a neat freak. Nothing major, I just like my house clean. I have lightened up just a bit. But come on it can get ridiculous if you let it go............

They have food under the bed, I guess they are saving it for later or something. Maybe they are afraid I won't give them dinner, I don't know. But, I ALWAYS find food or containers in their rooms. Empty capri sun drinks, M&M's, McDonald bags, broken up donut sticks! You name it, it is in there! Can you say NASTY??? I don't even know why I have laundry hampers, because for some odd reason the clothes just stay on the floors. Then one day (when they need an item), I get yelled at for not washing. Well.....put your clothes in THE LAUNDRY ROOMMMMMM!!!!!!!

I managed to take a much needed nap today, thanks to my husband taking my little kids to his Dad's house for a while! Thanks hun!

I am still coughing and running fever, but I am fine. Oh wait......I am just a Housewife, so I just lay around anyway...ALL DAY!! (BOY THAT STILL TICKS ME OFF LOL)

My 3 yr old is still up and is starvvvvvving! This girl eats NONSTOP! We say it's bedtime, and immediate reaction is "UMMMM, I DIDN'T EAT!" One of my favorites is, "WELL, UMMMM....YOU SAID I COULD HAVE A SANDWICH." Sure we like 5:00...........NOT NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Well, I am off to rest. Gonna need it. My husband has to go out of town again Monday, and since I am "JUST A HOUSEWIFE" I won't have much to do huh??

Thursday, November 1, 2007

MY "almost" 16 year old

My 14 yr old with his lil brother!

My 3 yr old Cinderella!

My 2 yr old SpongeBob with the ANNOYING LIGHT!!

Hectic Here!

Well, I haven't had time to write in a few days, go figure.

My 2 yr old (Connor) has had a bump on his foot and I keep forgetting to tell the Dr....I always remember AFTER we leave. They thought it was a wart, so I had to go to the Podiatrist. He wanted to try giving me an ointment to use for 2 weeks........ummm.........NO...CUT IT OUT! There is no way I can make my 2 yr old spaz man lay flat for hours at a time with an ointment and bandaid! So, the Dr. was like..."are you sure?" YES........CUT IT OUT!!! So, he scrapes it and says it doesn't look like your normal wart. Basically, it is what I thought it was. He had stepped on something and we could never get it out, so a callus formed around it. Yeah, HE CUT IT OUT! So, we had to buy Spongebob bandaids....that lasted 2 days, lol. Then he had to use regular ones! Sorry, fresh out!

The Pediatrician also said he has a VERY allergetic nose, and Carlee (3 yr old) had fluid behind her ears. So, antibiotic for her! Zyrtec for him...which makes him bounce off the wall!

After that would think I had had enough..........NO.........We all know that Moms' get NO BREAK!! OK RARELY!

My 14 year old son decided he was going to be "cool" and tie his shoes to his skateboard and skate on it Monday. Well, he is a GREAT skater, but tied to the board??? Needless to say, we ended up in the Dr.s office Tuesday because a rock embedded in his knee and he now has fluid behind it. FUN!

My 16 year is going out of town with her boyfriend and his family. I must be a pretty okay mom if I let her go do these family trips. Oh wait "I AM A MEAN MOM!" Or else I am nuts for letting her go.

My phylosophy has always been that-- as long as you tell me what you are doing we can discuss it. LIE TO ME AND THAT IS IT! Make an F and study your behind off, fine, you tried. Make an F because you didn't even look at the material, THAT IS GOING TO GET YOU IN TROUBLE!

Well, my 3 and 2 yr. old had fun going trick or treat last night! SpongeBob and Cinderella. Halfway through, which wasn't far lol, I was carrying Miss Cinderella's shoes because she traded them for her crocs. The royal glass slippers were making her foot red. WOW! Wish I could go back to a problem like that lol. Then I had to carry her gloves, sure I have 5 hands. Their Dad was already carrying these flashlights that make the most LOUD Spooky Halloween noises I have ever heard, thanks to my wonderful MOM! The kids wanted to carry them, but they had to carry their bags of candy, so forget the lights lol. Should have left 'em at home! By the end of the night I had Cinderella's bag because of course it was too heavy, and my husband had SpongeBob's bag. My 2 yr old (SpongeBob) was dragging his bag and his behind, poor guy. Next year I am bringing a wagon!!!

During the whole time trick-or-treating we get calls and text messages from my 16 yr old (Taman) begging to stay at the party til 11 on a school night. Now, she knowssssssss her curfew is 9 on a school night. So, finally after about 20 calls and texts, we all know what I said. "WHATEVER! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" They know I am going to give in after begging and calling a zillion times! When my Mom said "NO" it was NO!!!!!!!!! No questions asked, nothing. Boy, how times change!

So, as soon as we get home they HAVE TO HAVE THEIR CANDY!! I remember those days, lol. So, I was ready to pass out and they were on a sugar high! My husband was nice enough to let me rest and just as I was about to fall asleep, my 14 yr old comes in about his knee. Now, keep in mind, I had asked him earlier if he wanted to go to the Hospital! All but at 9:30 he wants to go where??? Oh yeah, the HOSPITAL!!! Thank God it wasn't crowded since it was Halloween.

We get there and I decide to be seen as well, since noone is there. I have been feeling so sick, like my head is about to fall off! I have been coughing and aching all over, but I NEVER have time to go to the Dr. (Once, my kids' Pediatrician gave me an antibiotic, that's how much time I have for ME!) I have also had a spot on my breast with fluid coming out.....I knew it wasn't staff infection because I was hospitalized for that twice and had it cut out 4 times.

Well, my 14 yr old heads off to Xray and my Doc comes in to see me. The spot is a Sebatious Cyst. Which is pretty common she says but it will never go away, and put antibiotic ointment on it for 2 weeks. OK, THIS WILL NEVER GO AWAY????? Basically they have to CUT it out to the core........sounds great! No wonder I have been putting it off! My throat is red, and my ears have fluid behind them. That explains why they have been hurting and popping!

Now my turn for Xray! Come to find out TJ (14 yr old) has more fluid behind his knee and we have to go to an Orthepedic Dr. today and I have BRONCHITIS! So, they gave me antibiotics, a breathing treatment, and cough syrup with codeine.

So, today is get prescription filled day, take Carlee to her Gastroenterologist (she has not been able to use the bathroom again). So, we need an Xray to see how full she is. Damned Colon issues! AND...........get an appointment to look at TJ's knee........and of course, Taman gets out of school EARLY today.......why????????? Well, it is ALL SAINTS DAY!! Can't go to school all day for that, now can we lol.........I have no time to be sick! SO, I am going get my scripts early! Is the weekend here yet??????????

Monday, October 22, 2007

Another trip!

So, my husband came home Friday evening and we had a much needed weekend with the kids before he left again today! I am wondering how much of this raise I really wanted.

My 16 year old only wants to complain of a headache....ALL DAY!! Of course, shouldn't it be ME who has the headache??? I have to listen to 4 kids talk at the same time, try doing schoolwork, and take phone calls...HMMM....I wish I had HER headache lol.

My 3 yr old wants to run around and grab the phone to dial numbers. Teaching her her Daddy's cell phone SOUNDED like a great idea. Now she calls every number she knows, lol. My 2 year old only wants to "fight' or he wants to cry for his "daddy." I am just about nuts today!

My 14 yr old is getting frustrated because of course the LITTLE kids are making him lose on his Playstation 2 Game! I remember my brother being that way lol. I also remember I used to restart the game when I lost, HAHA!

I managed to take my Psychology test today, and might I add, I made an "A" ... GO ME! I was quite proud.

Well, it is STORMING over here and I am getting nothing accomplished sitting here, and I have kids running around like little maniacs, lol. Of course, it is funny for now. But, I am getting tired, so it is time to settle down! Night!

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Husband ALWAYS out of town!

My husband cannot seem to grasp that when he goes out of town it affects me a lot! It is very hard dealing with 4 kids alone all of the time. He has been going out of town about twice a month for the past year or so.

When I was married to my first husband, he was never home and NEVER really there when he was home, and surely not a great role model or dad.

I never thought I would remarry, but did. I DEFINETELY NEVER thought about having more kids. My husband now, did not have children but was married before. When we got together he was home more. I never wanted to raise my kids alone again.

Well, here I am again, except that this husband is better and is actually a Dad! Only, I am left home alot! I feel for the women whose husbands are deployed or if you are in a situation like me!

Do the Teachers HAVE to let your kid call home ALL DAY???

Ok, Well, I JUST dropped my kids off at school, in the STORMING RAIN! My little kids had to be "CARRIED" inside, of course, because they cannot walk in the rain! I cannot hold my purse, a 3 yr old that is the size of a 6 yr old, a 2 yr old, AND AN UMBRELLA all at once! So, we got a little wet!

Only to get home and my cell rings. Who was it? Well, it would of course be none other than the famous 14 yr old son who calls home EVERYDAY! He sounded like he had allergies this morning, so I told him to take Claritin, but NOOOO why take that before school, when I can get to school and call you! Last week it was a bracket on his braces, then he was tired and falling asleep. Today I found pieces of braces on the bathroom sink and asked what is this? His reply was that my 2 yr old stuck his finger in his mouth and broke these "STRONG" METAL pieces....HMMMM....I am not so sure I believe that one.

Well, he now calls home for a PE uniform, which might I add, PE just happenes to be THIS HOUR! I said nope, sorry, it is storming and you should have thought of that before you left! I KNOW I KNOW.......MEAN MOM! The Teacher lets him call ask can I bring medicine up there. Didn't you JUST leave and didn't I JUST SAY TAKE CLARITIN? Well, now he wants a Dr's appointment. Like they are going to say anything different lol. It might help if I did not wake up to the thermostat turned down to 60 degrees...Thanks to my hot box Hormonal 16 year old. I have to buy one of those locks that the hospital has! WOW! My day has just begun lol!


Have you ever just had "ONE OF THOSE DAYS?" Well, I have! I woke up at 6AM yesterday, took my big kids to school, and of course once I drop them off, my little kids cry for them! ALL the way home! Then they cry for Wendy's biscuits! What ever happened to making biscuits at home? I guess that is my own fault for teaching the bad habit of FAST FOOD!
Get home and it is almost time to go get my 16 yr old. Why so early? Well, it seems that my oldest daughter picked the one and only Catholic School that lets out early for anything! I swear, they get off of school because of a Volleyball Game! I never heard of such! So, it is Exam week and she goes for an hour a day! How fun! The other day I tried to stay near her school, walked around Walgreens a little while, and by the time I was done, (of course I had both the 3 yr old and the 2 yr old with me) I had spent $50.00 in JUNK!!! So, needless to say, I now return home for the hour!

Somehow my kids think that EVERYTIME they go to the store, ANY store, that they need a PRIZE! It used to be little things like candy, now it is a $7.00 Barbie set with the stamps, stickers, and paper! Who the heck came up with that?
God forbid they use the markers that only write on certain paper! I have a ton of that, because I thought, OH YEA! This is the BEST invention EVER! Well, my toddlers didn't think so! Why would they want to use that? My kids like to draw on my walls and display their own art throughout my house! How beautiful!

My 3 yr old is potty training right now, and BOY O BOY, this is hard! She has a motility issue, (her colon does not work correctly) so she suffers from constipation ALL the time. She takes medication for it, but I cannot seem to get this consistent at all! SO, we are having fun dealing with big girl panties and Pull Ups! My 2 yr old son decides he wants to potty train as well, but of course, he just wants to wear underwear, lol. I found him on the toilet yesterday, which was, so I thought, a BIG step, right? Well, he was playing with the toilet paper and wadding it all up so he could clog the toilet! Hey, at least he had his diaper off lol!
Well, I was up at 4AM today, so let's see what kind of mess we can make today! Hopefully I will have some time to study my Psychology! :)