Tuesday, November 6, 2007

You Wouldn't Believe ME!

Well, I figured only 3 days with my husband couldn't be that bad, right? I mean, come on, it isn't that hard for a FEW days. Guess I spoke wayyyyy too soon! My little kids were fine, and even went to bed at a decent time and so did my 16 yr old daughter. Well, 16 on NOV. 19!

My 14 yr old son on the other hand.....well, if I told you everything, I doubt you would even believe me. Maybe you would, but you would wonder why I DIDN'T torcher him half to death, knock his teeth down his throat, or beat him with a coat hanger (I DID NONE OF THIS). Mind you, he has been diagnosed with ADHD and ODD, but THAT IS NO EXCUSE FOR HOW I WAS TREATED!

Just to brief you on a little of it....I asked him to clean up chips after the dishes ordeal....well he CRUMBLED them all up in his hand AFTER.. I TRIED HELPING HIM! Getting them further in the rug, and making a bigger mess than my little kids already had. He then complained over me not cooking...ALL NIGHT LONG! Saying how he was going to starve to death, and it was like at his dad's house, and we had no food. Now sure, I need to go to the grocery store, and yeah there wasn't a lot of junk, but we all managed to get full. I offered him numerous things, but that wasn't what he wanted! OF COURSE NOT!

He kept shouting the "F" WORD all the time towards me for no apparent reason, and even went so far as to call me a B*tch NUMEROUS times throughout the night! Well, I am not one to play games. I don't care what you are diagnosed with! He is 14 NOT 18...and until he gets his own place......TREAT ME WITH RESPECT!

I tried talking with him, that did not work....so I ignored him! Well, that led him to want to "RUN AWAY" with only a pair of shorts on and it was a chilly night....then he got mad because I left him in the cold....Well, he said he was leaving....I said "OK, it's late, lock the door on your way out!"

Now, I am NOT going to give in and BEG him to come inside....just like the other day...he got out of my car to WALK home! Well, walk on your bad leg....I stopped to pick him up ONCE, he didn't get in the van...What am I supposed to do?? I called the cops to make sure he got home okay and they filed a report! I did go outside once, to smoke (I needed NICOTINE!), and while I was outside I asked him if he wanted to come in and he said no. I said knock when you can act right.

Finally he knocked after like 45 minutes. Now, it is NOT MY FAULT that you waited that long to come in!! You are not 2 years old, even though that is what you are acting like! So, I got screamed at for letting him stay outside! This kind of attitude continued ALL NIGHT LONG!!! Until about 11:00....it was like he was egging me on and trying to see if he could blow my fuse! HE WANTED TO ARGUE! Glad that night of hell is over! Well, I still have another night!

He was told to bring all his work home and he cannot go anywhere today! We shall see how he acts today. He sure did not act good this morning! BOY O BOY! I dunno what to do! Ignoring it is better than acknowledging it to me!

Today has been really fun dealing with time out with little mr 2 yr old. He has been hitting, biting, and even took his diaper off and peed on my FLOOR! Yes, my FLOOR! That was just mopped, and to top it off I STEPPED ALL IN IT! Exciting!!! That felt great on the way to get a diaper! So, I lightly tapped his leg and put him in time out....after I put another diaper on him!

My 3 yr old just finished eating her bologna sandwich and decided to stomp on her paper plate....I mean, our FINE CHINA! So, that is shredded in a bunch of pieces for me to clean! FUN FUN FUN!!!

IS IT WEDNESDAY YET???? I will try to type tonight providing I can get a chance!

1 comment:

jerilynne said...

it's me again..my 13 yr old has adhd,intermint explosive disorder,bi-bolar effetive disorder,&ocd..no that doesn't give them the right to talk to us the way they do but i honestly have been thru this so the first{and hardest} is to stay calm..maybe ur 14 yr old has the explosive diorder sounds like it to me..but i'm no doctor just a mom that has dealt with this for many many years..our therapist says to pick my battles..decide wat u really want to fight about..sometimes just letting them b mad is the way we have to go cause believe it or not we r human & as much as our kids don't like to admit it we have feelings too.so hang in there i'm not gonna say it's gonna get better cause i'm not very good at perdicting the future but remember u love him & he loves u...hope i helped some..take care