Saturday, November 3, 2007

Weekends are for fun??

Well, I haven't been able to type a lot lately since I only have 4 kids, a husband, and bronchitis.

Friday my 14 yr old had an appointment that only lasted 3 hours because the Dr. was "running behind." Basically he went to Starbucks in between appointments (I think), and I had the receptionist page him constantly! Why?? I mean, sure, had I been able to just sit there and relax, read a magazine or two, I would have been fine! NOOOO! I decide I am going to take my two little kids to the supposedly "FREE" daycare in the hospital. They have this so that you can go to your appointment without all the running around in the Dr.s office. I get in there and the lady wants me to fill out a dozen papers and pay her $10.00----it costs $5.00 per child! They said "FREE!" What happened to that? So, I walk off saying "Oh it will only be a half an hour." Well, I get upstairs to find out there are NO toys in sight and another guy is stil ahead of us. So, after hearing things like: "He hit me", "Stop it", "I'm telling", I decide the $10.00 is worth it, right?? The lady informs me that they will be closing in about 40 minutes! What??? Not only do you charge, but you do not STAY open all day??? Needless to say, I was a basketcase after that appointment!

Today comes, and we usually all go to Ihop EVERY Sat! We get there and not one of my kids can figure out what they want to eat! Now, we only know this menu by heart! After taking forever and a day and drinking about 5 cups of coffee we can now husband said I exaggerated on 3 cups of coffee, lol.

During the course of the meal I tell my older kids that they have chores and are going to watch the little kids while my husband and I go to Wal Mart. NO, I really did not want to bring ANY of my kids with me. Bad enough the "BIG KID" loves to throw stuff in the cart, too. Throughout my shopping, my phone keeps ringing! Of course, it was my oldest, saying that her brother won't help clean...BLAH BLAH BLAH! Well, I made my husband deal with it! I felt like I had left my 2 and 3 year old home.....ALONE.... hard is it to read 5 things on a list and do it together??? I can manage to do laundry, dishes, and clean my own room! WITH NO HELP!

Well, I got home and still made them help me with things. That is what weekends (or at least one of the weekend days) are for....everyone helping clean, right? Well, my oldest daughter tells me that I should be cleaning because "I AM JUST A HOUSEWIFE!" Oh, I blew my gasket! Just a housewife???? A housewife who raised you alone, worked, and went to Cosmetology School to get a License. Now, remarried with two more kids, and in College again for Early Childhood Education! Nah, I wasn't mad at all, NO WAY! YEAH RIGHT!!!!! I was ready to smack her! Did this "HOUSEWIFE" not just order $100.00 in boots for you, redo your room, and plan your 16th Birthday Party! Christmas is right around the corner......and Santa knows she has not been nice!

She apoligized later, which I guess was supposed to make it all better. But, the thing is, she only says she is sorry so that she can go somewhere, or when she wants something else. Sound familiar?

My son (14 yr old) huffed while doing his work, but he really didn't say much! I can handle some huffs and pouting! Hey, I hate cleaning too. But I do NOT make all this mess! Actually, I usually pick up my things. My husband says I haved OCD because I am always cleaning, and everything has a "HOME!" I just think I am a little bit of a neat freak. Nothing major, I just like my house clean. I have lightened up just a bit. But come on it can get ridiculous if you let it go............

They have food under the bed, I guess they are saving it for later or something. Maybe they are afraid I won't give them dinner, I don't know. But, I ALWAYS find food or containers in their rooms. Empty capri sun drinks, M&M's, McDonald bags, broken up donut sticks! You name it, it is in there! Can you say NASTY??? I don't even know why I have laundry hampers, because for some odd reason the clothes just stay on the floors. Then one day (when they need an item), I get yelled at for not washing. Well.....put your clothes in THE LAUNDRY ROOMMMMMM!!!!!!!

I managed to take a much needed nap today, thanks to my husband taking my little kids to his Dad's house for a while! Thanks hun!

I am still coughing and running fever, but I am fine. Oh wait......I am just a Housewife, so I just lay around anyway...ALL DAY!! (BOY THAT STILL TICKS ME OFF LOL)

My 3 yr old is still up and is starvvvvvving! This girl eats NONSTOP! We say it's bedtime, and immediate reaction is "UMMMM, I DIDN'T EAT!" One of my favorites is, "WELL, UMMMM....YOU SAID I COULD HAVE A SANDWICH." Sure we like 5:00...........NOT NOWWWWWWWW!!!!!!!

Well, I am off to rest. Gonna need it. My husband has to go out of town again Monday, and since I am "JUST A HOUSEWIFE" I won't have much to do huh??

1 comment:

jerilynne said...

sorry to hear ur still not feeling well...thankx for being "real" i enjoy reading ur blogs cause it's real ya know wat i mean? i've read some where they want help with fundraiser stuff..who has time for that i don't i'm raiseing 4 kids by myself and i'm lucky to find time to sign an agenda nonetheless help wit the fundraiser..wait i ordered something does that count?..hope u feel better...