Monday, November 5, 2007


Monday is here, and my husband went out of town again today! It is only for 3 days, so I guess that isn't so bad. Except that my 2 year old has cried ever since he left. Did I say cry?? I meant kick and scream, reallly reallllly loud..."I WANT MY DADDY!"

My 14 yr old called while I am waiting for him at school. Both kids screaming in the car and the cell goes off. Now, I have no clue what this number is, so of course I answer it. I still don't know whose phone he used, but he wanted to walk home...Yes with the "injured" knee! Well, he got his way because I did NOT want to hear it. Now I can't get him inside. It NEVER fails, it is like there is NO discipline when my husband is gone. Now he is refusing to take a bath and won't help with anything. Wait, he will help, but he is being a pain in the rear doing it. I told him to do the dishes, and he SCRAPED the muffin pan, with one hand. Might I add, that water was getting all over, and it was on TOP of the regular dishes, like my glasses and other things that should have been loaded in the dishwasher FIRST! Tonight is not a good night for my ADHD kid! The wireless card for his laptop and his cell is now mine!

BEFORE my husband even left, my 16 yr old asked could she go work out on the days he was gone. We both said no, and she continued to whine ALL weekend long about it. I finally gave in to get her to shut up! Now, it's not that I mind her leaving to go work out or do anything. But, she waits to leave until about 7:30 and returns home at like 9PM. That still isn't bad, but she feels the need to COOK (now, notice I didn't say heat something up, eat a bowl of cereal, or grab a snack) YES, COOK....AFTER a workout! So, it make my other kids feel the need to eat AGAIN! That just doesn't work for me! If I have already served you dinner, grab a snack at 9PM!

Ok, as I am typing this, her 18 yr old boyfriend came over. My 2 yr old son ADORES this boy! He really is a good kid. My son even says he is Matt's and Taman's baby lol. Well, anyway, somehow she conned her boyfriend into bathing my little kids! They usually do this chore for me most of the time, and it helps me out alot. But tonight, I didn't even have to say anything! WOW! Another PRICELESS Moment! After that, she somehow managed to make him do the dishes!

Well, I wish he would have cooked the Ramen Noodles. For the life of me, I cannot cook Ramen Noodles, or Fried Chicken! I can bake homeade cakes, cookies, etc. I can cook a Pot Roast, Meatloaf, just about anything. But, give me a pack of those damned noodles, and they come out gummy! Weird! I just can't get 'em right!

We had noodles because there was no milk here, so I could't make anything requiring biscuits. I didn't thaw any meat out today, so that went out of the window! We just had hotdogs the other day, and I ordered pizza over the weekend. So, I couldn't really cook anything. I guess I could have cooked eggs and toast, but the kids rathered my gummy noodles!

Thanks to Jerilynne for posting! I don't even know how to put ads up here, but I don't have time for that either! With 4 kids, who does? Thanks for reading my blog! I am feeling much better! Maybe I shouldn't say that out loud, lol!

Well, I am off to get crayon off the wall, an ink pink from my 2 yr old, clean the gummy noodles off the table,(guess they were trying to wax it for me), watch Zack and Cody for the 100th time...or High School Musical! FUN!

Hopefully at some point I can finish this chapter for school! I will try to write tomorrow!

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