Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Tea Set, or Pallet, ANYONE??

Why did I ever think of buying YET ANOTHER Tea Set for my 3 yr old daughter. She absolutely LOVES playing with tea sets. My Mom has a "SPECIAL" Tea Set at her house, just for her! Yes, she DOES in fact have a tea set here(one is picked up, and the other is plastic). I was debating whether or not to get her a better tea set for Christmas, added to the other presents that we have already bought. Well, Connor, my 2 yr old son changed my mind on that. Today, with the plastic tea set we have, he decided to transfer his milk from cup, to bowl, to saucer, to sofa! THAT'S RIGHT! To sofa...Milk, on my leather sofa, dripping to the floor, all over him, and trying to seep through the cushions...luckily I caught it before that happened! I don't think we should invest in another tea set just yet! We will just keep the plastic one for playing with and her other set for when I play tea with her!

Now....pallet anyone?? My kids love to sleep on the floor. Nah, they do not have a room or a bed, I make them sleep on the floor! Yeah okay! Anyway, I remember when I was a kid I liked to make pallets, too. I get so sick of the blankets all over the floor, pillows all over, tripping over kids, or toys for that matter! Of course, their pallet consists of much better blankets and options than mine did as a kid. They have a really thick blanket that folds up into a pillow that I HAD to have for $60 bucks each! As well as other nice and neat MATCHING blankets and pillows! We used to have to grab any old blanket and pillow! So, it takes hours to adjust all of the very much needed blankets, pillows, more blankets, and covers, as they call them. By the time we are done, it is almost morning, and I am ready to scream because I tripped over all of it. Okay, so I am exaggerating, lol. You get the picture!

Didn't I say how I love the cool weather lately? Well, in Louisiana we get to love it cold in the morning, hot in the afternoon, and cold again at night! YEP! We have what I call, the "cold" seasons. You know, the ones that make you get sick from changing so much? That is what we have! I anticipate that my kids will be sick before Christmas, actually before December even gets here! They are already getting a runny nose and whining all day!

As for my husband, the good man that he is...our 2 yr old, Connor, (the tea set boy), decided to hit my husband in the eye over the weekend. I am assuming it was with his head, they play rough and no matter how many times I say... "SOMEONE IS GOING TO GET HURT," they do NOT listen!!! Well, it was my husband this time. Now, this is not the first time he has had an eye injury. Connor, yes Connor again, (my sweet little angel)...was playing rough and scraped my husbands eye with a HAIRBRUSH! UH HUH, A HAIRBRUSH! After that, he of course went to the eye Dr and was given some ointment and told he had an abrasion. Go figure! Well, today he went to the eye Dr again and they put a contact in his eye, gave him eye drops, and some ointment again. He could not even keep his lid open very long and it was all red. Well, loving this cool weather that we have, partially, for the past few days I have been napping when he comes home. Now, I don't know why I need this nap, but it is NEEDED! I don't intend to go to sleep, but my husband and I have this thing....when he comes home from work, we lay in the bed with the kids for a little while and have time together. Lately, I have been rolling over after loving on the kids a little, and have been going to sleep. Well, now I feel bad because not only did I nap, but he went and got Taman from school today with his injured eye! I know....BAD WIFE, BAD WIFE!! Sorry hun, and THANK YOU!!!


Anonymous said...

Baby, I need to make a corrections on this so people don't think that our son just beats his dad up for no reason:

"Connor, (the tea set boy), decided to hit my husband in the eye"

The story goes that we were playing "tickle my face with your hair and I tickle your belly". I had both kids on my lap and they were both trying to tickle me with their hair and keep in mind that Connor's hair is short, so he grabs the little bit of hair he has and tries to tickle me with it...I turned my head towards him just in time to get a dead-center head-butt on my eye. Yes, it hurt like hell, but today it's much better although the doctor said it will take a while to go away.

So, as you can see, Connor doesn't just hit me in the eye for no reason...most of the time :-P

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.