Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Dried Bologna

So I wake up today and go to do my homework, which I have not done in a few days. Guess what I found??? DRIED BOLOGNA on my desk! HOW EXCITING!!

Let's back up....last night Carlee had to have Bologna, because we didn't feed her ALL day long! We let her starve, gave her no water, milk, or anything, YEAH OK! So, at 9PM she wants Bologna....of course she gets it! You are talking about the child that SCREAMED, STOMPED, and carried on yesterday because her dad cut her Ham and Bologna Sandwich in 4 triangles and she asked for 4 SQUARES!!! Of course she got another sandwich in 4 squares too, while other kids are begging for anything, regardless of how it is cut!!!

Well...Connor is "Monkey see Monkey do!" So YES, he HAD TO HAVE BOLOGNA! Last night I saw his bologna on the sofa, we asked was he going to eat it....sure he was...that is why it ended up on a pillow...I then threw it out. Guess I forgot he had another piece, which is now on my desk all shriveled up and dried....NICE!!!

Am I the only one around that finds the weirdest things in sofa cushions, behind the sofa, and UNDER the sofa??? Or even on my desk?? I swear, I can clean daily, and I kid you not, something GROSS is going to be found in SOME unknown area! I find all sorts of things, like they are "SAVING IT FOR LATER!" Pop Tarts...well pieces, all crumbled up, suckers that have already been sucked on and now STUCK to the inside of my sofa, cereal ALWAYS finds it's way into my sofa! I can go on and on! It is like my sofa attracts EVERYTHING! Did I mention, I don't like them to eat in the LIVING ROOM??? Obviously my kids are so well behaved and ALWAYS listen to me! UH HUH!

I really think that all of my kids like to see me clean non-stop all day! I clean up one mess, only to see that they have made two more, bigger messes, for me to clean up! Seriously, this happens DAILY! Of course, I have nothing better to do with my time, right? That is why I am here...to clean up after all of them! I don't know what happened to my kids' HELPING me clean while singing the annoying Barney "CLEAN UP" song. I would rather hear that all day and get help! They are all out of that stage now!

TJ is one of my worst, and he is 14! I find Capri Sun packs, old straws, drinks, and food that I cannot even make out what it was before, all UNDER his bed! That is a GREAT place for things! Let's just shove it under the bed...NOONE will EVER know! OOOOKKK!! Can you say GROSS??? Guess that is a boy thing, I dunno! I literally have to beg him to keep HIMSELF fully clean, nails clipped, put his dirty clothes in the hamper so they actually get WASHED before he wears them again, and brush his teeth! He is worse than the little ones. You would think if a boy wants a girlfriend, he would want to have perfect hygiene...guess it doesn't matter....if only the girls' who like him could see behind the closed doors! They would run for the hills, lol!

Now Taman, my 16 year old...HYGIENE FREAK!!! She even has a routine...EVERY THURSDAY SHE SHAVES...and she takes like an hour shower or soak EVERYDAY! Doesn't the water get cold after a while?? I really wouldn't know because I have to rush when I take a bath! For me, it is bathe, shave and GET OUT! I don't have time to be soaking in a hot tub of water, or letting my shower water run forever just to massage me! She is forever filing her nails, polishing them, cleaning her face, brushing her teeth, and using MYYYYY specific SHAVING CREAM, and bath items!!! Guess that is the joy of having a girl! I OWN NOTHING! IT ALL ENDS UP IN HER ROOM, OR SHE USES IT BEFORE I CAN!!! This child goes as far as using my baby wipes to clean the bottom of her feet is she walks outside..and if she wears something for more than 10 minutes....it goes right into my DIRTY LAUNDRY!!! She used to have the "GIRL BOOK"....you know, the kind (they have all kinds) that tells the girls' about their bodies and how to take care of themselves....well I am not lying when I say that book was her BIBLE!! SHE LIVED BY THAT BOOK! Too bad I couldn't go edit it and say....LEAVE YOUR MOM'S THINGS ALONE....TAKE LESS TIME IN THE TUB....AND IF YOU JUST TRY CLOTHES ON, AND DECIDE NOT TO WEAR THAT OUTFIT...IT IS NOT CONSIDERED DIRTY!!! THAT IS MORE FOR YOUR MOTHER TO WASH!!! ALSO, HELP OUT DAILY, FOR FREE, AND WITHOUT COMPLAINING!!! YEAH, that would have been nice! Guess that is the difference of having boys and girls!

Now, I have 2 miniatures! Carlee and Connor!!! Was I a nut?? Did I not learn, lol! Of course I love all of my children....but did I want to torcher myself all over again just because they are cute!! AND Yes, they are ALL cute! My husband and I laugh at every silly thing they do! Trust me, it is A LOT! Connor even has this accent...where he got that, I have no clue. An example is when he says his name...he says...Connoir...well, he is French, lol!

Taman has Blonde moments, which we laugh at all the time, TJ, well, he doesn't like to joke alot. Carlee LOVES her knock knock jokes, that make NO SENSE WHAT SO EVER!! But, she is so funny that we have to laugh EVERY TIME! It really is funny! Connor is just cute in the way he talks and acts...."MY NAME IS MONKEY BOOTS!" Just out of the blue! Kids are so random, and really so cute and funny! That is what makes it hard to be such a strict parent, at least for us, because as much as it is funny, sometimes you have to make yourself not laugh! BUT....think about it....they are only little once...and you have to laugh at it....or else we would all go nuts!!

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