Tuesday, November 20, 2007


Okay....Here is another thing that is annoying! We live in a suburb of New Orleans, so, there really isn't a lot of people who want to work! Now, you would think, after 2 years since the hurricane has hit us, people would NEED money and WANT to work. NOT THE CASE!! So lines in stores are outrageous! Also, restaurants are horrible as well! My husband and I go eat at 5:30 if we are going to dinner, just to avoid a 45 minute wait (minimum)

I actually HATE WAL-MART and now WINN-DIXIE...which I used to go there to get away from the lines at Wal-Mart, even though it costed more! They are running close in rank with each other now!

Everytime I get in either store, it takes me longer to check out than it did to spend time to get my groceries and other items! Now, keep in mind that I have 4 kids and a husband with me MOST of the time. So, when we do serious shopping, it takes QUITE a while!! We have to CAREFULLY select which PRIZE each kid is going to get, and my husband has to SLOWLY look at games for the computer, and of course the 2 teens have to have SOMETHING special to eat, that is ONLY for them! So, imagine all of that, while my little kids run around the store during the trip...or do not watch where they are going and you constantly have to apologize for someone almost running over them.....it does take a while!

Then, we all go scouting for the shortest check out...each with cell phones in hand ready to call the person with the basket full of items, so someone in the line can complain that we had another person wait in line for us. The call comes, so the buggy gets rushed into the "oh so short line!" UH HUH!

IT NEVER FAILS!!!! I can have one person in line in front of me, or twenty! I ALWAYS manage to pick the wrong line. It is like I am cursed! I end up reading two or three of the magazines on the rack, (at least I don't have to buy them) the kids end up opening candy and cokes, find junk at the register that other people did not let their kids have, so mine want it. I am at the register for at least a half an hour. Now, mind you, God did not grant me with the virtue of patience! I get annoyed quite easily, especially when I have had enough at the store and I am ready to get home. (not that I really want to go unload all of it and pick it up, I just want to get out of the store!)

I ALWAYS.............get behind the little old lady who is looking for pennies (which makes me want to hand her a dollar)or she still writes checks, even though the store now fills out the check for you and hands it back to you (why not use your debit card?)...or I get behind the alcoholic who does not have enough money (which ALMOST makes me want to give him money)...or I get behind someone who REALLY, REALLY wants their item that has NO PRICE! Now, the cashier LOVES THIS! She can fart around and go PRETEND to LOOK for a price on an item that is 10 feet away from her and take 15 minutes doing it, giving herself a little bit of a break! (I on the other hand, either have an extra one that has a price, or I say forget it, I am not waiting!) Or....I get behind someone who has a TON of coupons! Sure, with 4 kids, I probably could use coupons, but I always have expired ones, forget to use them, or I have ones that are not good yet (from Winn Dixie). So, I NEVER have coupons!

I also get behind the people who have the WIC....now I know you may need it...but please get what you are supposed to get and NOT the wrong brand! YOU and the cashier KNOW what you need!! This makes me have to wait because you got Borden milk and you need Generic! I also love getting behind someone with Food Stamps that does not know how much money is on their card! Don't they give you a phone number to check the balance BEFORE you go?? Then, I have to wait while they put certain items back because they do not have any money with them!

The BEST is....when someone is almost done with checking out and they forgot something.....so they leave to go get it...now the cashier should say no, you will have to get back in line and finish this transaction....but the cashier LOVES this one too! She can stand there and talk to the next cashier about her life and her day while you stand there waiting for the missing person to return! By this time I am boiling and need a cigarette!

Sometimes I leave my husband to finish up while I go smoke! Unless, of course, I have something that requires a receipt to get OUT OF THE STORE! YES! HERE, they actually PAY someone to look at the receipt! Now, you wait in line forever, and then you go to walk out of the store and there is YET ANOTHER LINE!!! NO YOU CANNOT GO AROUND THEM! I HAVE TRIED!! I STILL TRY!! The person HAS to check your receipt. THEY DO NOT EVEN READ IT! THAT IS WHAT GETS ME! WHY ARE YOU EVEN THERE HOLDING UP A LINE TO MARK IT WITH A PEN???

And the annoying alarm that says...PLEASE STEP BACK...YOU HAVE ACTIVATED OUR SECURITY SYSTEM....BLAH BLAH BLAH....OK...in the beginning YES IT WAS A DETERRENT FOR THEFT! NOW...the cashier is too lazy to deactivate items and EVERYONE or ALMOST EVERYONE goes off at the door. What does the guy do??? NOTHING!!! So, again, WHY IS THIS GUY GETTING PAID TO STAND AT THE DOOR AND HOLD UP THE LINE???? I HAVE NO CLUE!! JUST TO MAKE ME MORE MAD I GUESS!

I still do not know why they pay a BUGGY BOY, when there is NEVER a buggy IN THE STORE! You have to find one in the parking lot. If not, well, good luck on getting one in the store!

So, after an episode of going shopping (with 4 kids and a husband), that is supposed to be a FUN experience...I am ready to get home, have a stiff drink, and call it a night! NO....I do not do that, but that is what should be done. Instead, it is then time to unload all of the stuff and pick it up! With kids wanting all their new toys and candy opened lol! WHAT FUN!

1 comment:

jerilynne said...

ummm sorry maam i was the lady in front of u yesterday...uhhhh sorry...can i get that dollar?