Friday, December 7, 2007


So, are the holidays over with yet? Well, someone wake me up when they are over, lol. Even though this is my FAVORITE time of year, I am SWAMPED!!

I decided to finally, once again, go to the ER because I couldn't breathe last week. Well, of course I had gotten a relapse of Bronchitis along with bad asthma. So, IV steroids, 2 breathing treatments, and Antibiotics for me. Plus a ton of prescriptions! Boy, I am starting Dec. off good! Maybe I should go to the Dr.'s office more often! Ya think?? Well, I highly doubt that I am the only mother of 4 to neglect her own care for her kids!!

Now, I am trying to make my Brother a family photo book of when he was little (because he just had a baby), make his girlfriend a recipe book because she does not know how to cook or clean (SERIOUSLY, SHE LAYS ON THE SOFA ALL DAY AND HER MOM WATCHES THE BABY!) Man, that ticks me off! So, she will probably hate me for her gift, but hey, my brother has to eat, right? Shouldn't she GROW UP?? It isn't PLAYING house when you have a baby, it is REAL! Shoulda bought a damned doll!

I have some SPECIAL things I am trying to do for my Mom as well. But it seems that my kids like to keep watching me clean, so I have not begun those projects yet. They also love getting into whatever I am into at the time, so it becomes a mess and craft things get scattered everywhere!

Last night, I was going through the pictures, lots and lots of pictures, from ages ago. I kid you not, my little kids had to go down memory lane to find out who was who in almost EVERY picture. I finally got frustrated toward the end of sorting, and seeing all my pictures get crumpled, so I picked them up to call it a night.

Well, I started running fever again, because my maid, (HA! wish I had a maid) I mean I, cleaned all day long and just wiped myself totally out yesterday. So, I was extremely tired at around 9 PM. Of course, my kids weren't! My 16 yr old was giving them Hot Chocolate and Cookies, at 9PM!!! So, they were bouncing off the walls, at least until I fell asleep, lol. She gave them the junk food, make em go to bed!

I am fibbing, I didn't make her do it, my husband was still awake playing a game. It actually took me a while to go to sleep! I am not sure why, but I can hear him tick on his mouse or his game and every little thing annoys the hell of out me if I am trying to fall asleep!!!! Once I am out, go for it, blare the TV, turn your game up, snore, whatever....just let me FALL ASLEEP FIRST! Am I the only one with this problem?? I know I have a huge problem with this. But I am laying there, and hear "click, click, click." Then a noise or two, then some music!! GRRRR!! ANNOYING!!!!

Well, on the bright side, my kids are so far.....(I shouldn't speak too soon)...pretty well! My 14 year old finally must be on the right meds because we have been having a great time with NO blowouts. Now, I didn't say he does not get upset! But hey, that is normal! All in all though, he is doing fabulous!

Ok, time for some more coffee to keep me awake! Carlee woke up all but early today and is going through a phase where only a certain person can fix her her food. Ummmm....are you hungry or not??? Then who cares who fixes it!! SHE DOES!! So, Taman had to make Cinnamon toast (while complaining) and TJ made the milk, well she wanted Taman to do the milk too!!! OH WELL! So, I have heard SCREAMING for an hour. Finally, she ate it after I had to cut it into 4 squares, drank her milk, and by pure luck Connor is still asleep! How else could I have written this?! HA! Well, off to get more caffeine!

1 comment:

jerilynne said...

ur twin feels the same...must u breathe so loud i'm trying to go to sleep...dang girl this is getting scarry...hugs