Thursday, October 18, 2007

Do the Teachers HAVE to let your kid call home ALL DAY???

Ok, Well, I JUST dropped my kids off at school, in the STORMING RAIN! My little kids had to be "CARRIED" inside, of course, because they cannot walk in the rain! I cannot hold my purse, a 3 yr old that is the size of a 6 yr old, a 2 yr old, AND AN UMBRELLA all at once! So, we got a little wet!

Only to get home and my cell rings. Who was it? Well, it would of course be none other than the famous 14 yr old son who calls home EVERYDAY! He sounded like he had allergies this morning, so I told him to take Claritin, but NOOOO why take that before school, when I can get to school and call you! Last week it was a bracket on his braces, then he was tired and falling asleep. Today I found pieces of braces on the bathroom sink and asked what is this? His reply was that my 2 yr old stuck his finger in his mouth and broke these "STRONG" METAL pieces....HMMMM....I am not so sure I believe that one.

Well, he now calls home for a PE uniform, which might I add, PE just happenes to be THIS HOUR! I said nope, sorry, it is storming and you should have thought of that before you left! I KNOW I KNOW.......MEAN MOM! The Teacher lets him call ask can I bring medicine up there. Didn't you JUST leave and didn't I JUST SAY TAKE CLARITIN? Well, now he wants a Dr's appointment. Like they are going to say anything different lol. It might help if I did not wake up to the thermostat turned down to 60 degrees...Thanks to my hot box Hormonal 16 year old. I have to buy one of those locks that the hospital has! WOW! My day has just begun lol!

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