Thursday, October 18, 2007


Have you ever just had "ONE OF THOSE DAYS?" Well, I have! I woke up at 6AM yesterday, took my big kids to school, and of course once I drop them off, my little kids cry for them! ALL the way home! Then they cry for Wendy's biscuits! What ever happened to making biscuits at home? I guess that is my own fault for teaching the bad habit of FAST FOOD!
Get home and it is almost time to go get my 16 yr old. Why so early? Well, it seems that my oldest daughter picked the one and only Catholic School that lets out early for anything! I swear, they get off of school because of a Volleyball Game! I never heard of such! So, it is Exam week and she goes for an hour a day! How fun! The other day I tried to stay near her school, walked around Walgreens a little while, and by the time I was done, (of course I had both the 3 yr old and the 2 yr old with me) I had spent $50.00 in JUNK!!! So, needless to say, I now return home for the hour!

Somehow my kids think that EVERYTIME they go to the store, ANY store, that they need a PRIZE! It used to be little things like candy, now it is a $7.00 Barbie set with the stamps, stickers, and paper! Who the heck came up with that?
God forbid they use the markers that only write on certain paper! I have a ton of that, because I thought, OH YEA! This is the BEST invention EVER! Well, my toddlers didn't think so! Why would they want to use that? My kids like to draw on my walls and display their own art throughout my house! How beautiful!

My 3 yr old is potty training right now, and BOY O BOY, this is hard! She has a motility issue, (her colon does not work correctly) so she suffers from constipation ALL the time. She takes medication for it, but I cannot seem to get this consistent at all! SO, we are having fun dealing with big girl panties and Pull Ups! My 2 yr old son decides he wants to potty train as well, but of course, he just wants to wear underwear, lol. I found him on the toilet yesterday, which was, so I thought, a BIG step, right? Well, he was playing with the toilet paper and wadding it all up so he could clog the toilet! Hey, at least he had his diaper off lol!
Well, I was up at 4AM today, so let's see what kind of mess we can make today! Hopefully I will have some time to study my Psychology! :)

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