Thursday, November 8, 2007

What A Week!

Well today I have to drive an hour and a half to take my 14 yr old to the Orthodontics. His Dad and I made an agreement that I pay for my daughter to have braces, and he paid for my son. That was not an easy agreement to make! But, at the time, TJ was living with him. So, he really did not have a choice. Trust me, this man is Jeckyl and Hyde....and NEVER cooperates with me whatsoever! My mom tried to tell me that men change after you get divorced, I said nooooooooooooo not him....What can I mom is always right! (Did I say that out loud? LOL)

I thank Jerilynne for the advice on my teen. I do pick and choose my battles, but he makes it VERY difficult to handle him! Even when I just ignore it! It is like, I will ignore it, then he gets all up in my face wanting to argue. Now, there is more to his story than I said. He has hung around the wrong crowd while living at his dad's house, and OD on Xanax, put his dad in a headlock, had the cops called on him, and now has a court date for probation. We are past the fends, I know this because we had to go to the Fends office for him missing 30 days of school already, while living with his dad. So, this is not easy.

After my last post, he got violent with all of us, and my 3 yr old came in here crying that he was saying bad words. I went to talk to him about it and he put his fingers in his ears, going BLAH BLAH BLAH I CAN'T HEAR YOU! Now, he is not 2!!! He got so mad that he threw some things (VERY HARD) at the closet, and something hit my 3 yr old in mid air! He then continued to yank my arm out of his way to run in the living room, knock over my small desk I do my homework on, (well flip it all over), and slam the door while walking outside. Now, I REFUSE to let my little kids be involved in an environment like this!!!! It is not healthy, and they cry all the time when he acts like this! So, I (yes, me) called the cops on him! He then banged his hand into my porch numerous times, and then hit the glass, and broke it with bare fists! So, he was once again self inflicting pain! He even got real mad earlier that day and tensed all up and just went to pulling his own hair and hair was all over!

The cop didn't really do anything, but he told my son that he COULD be awarded to the state and go to a home if he does not straighten up!

We go to the psychiatrist alot and he is on meds. But, something has to give! I cannot and WILL not put up with this! Now, if it wasn't so extreme, and wasn't causing the other kids harm, I could handle it! But it is!

I would love to hear from you again, Thanks for posting.

1 comment:

jerilynne said...

r u sure u weren't in my house? let's c this morning i was a bi**h cause i woke him up from school..last nite i was in alot of pain{i have BAD migranes} and all he wanted to do was fight with everyone even the bird..who doesn't do nething but sing a little..when i finally couldn't take nemore i snapped & said some things well long story short he started punching himself in the head,pulling his hair & calling himself stupid{i hate that word} i also called the police but c we live in a small town & the cops know marky pretty well so they tried to scared him..put him cuffs{with me crying like a baby}and let him sit in the back of the police car while i talked to them..they want him to go into a hospital but that is so hard for me..but i know that would prob be the best..we c the dr 2morrow so is very hard on the younger 10 yr old is afraid to go to sleep sometimes when m has had one of his "fits"..the cop thing didn't work to well cause this morning i was being cussed but it did help last nite so we could go 2 bed & get some rest..honey i wish i knew wat to say cause if i could help u mayb i could help myself..atleast we now know we aren't alone..take care