Friday, November 9, 2007

For Jerilynne

Well, we have tried the "HOSPITAL" thing, and honestly, I think "JUVI" is the only thng that can help. At least for my son. When I was pregnant for my 3 1/2 year old, he kicked me in my stomach NUMEROUS times! I was on bedrest for both of my last children, and getting kicked was my last straw! We sent him to a place over here where we live. It really did do a little good that time. Then he wanted to live with his dad. Basically, the Dr. evaluates the kid, and decides whether they need to stay. Then, YOU CANNOT TAKE HIM OUT! BY LAW THEY KEEP HIM FOR ABOUT A WEEK. They do not keep them longer than one week usually.

Well, living with his dad, when he OD on the Xanax, because the lady had not pressed charges yet, they took him to a hospital. I really don't think it did good. They let him off the hook for juvi since he did time in the hospital. The lady's son, who took the meds with him went to juvi for 3 days. Honestly, I think he did better, but he is still messed up too! That mom couldn't take anymore, so she tried to OD on her own Xanax. So, I refuse to let him hang out with this family. We live over an hour away anyway, so all he can do is talk over the phone, IF he does that!

I do not know what to tell you either!! Yeah, I know what you mean with the cops hand cuffing them and US balling about it. It is definetely TOUGH LOVE!!!! I wish you the best..cuz girl, I know what you are going through!!! Even with finally getting sleep.

If you have an MSN messenger account, I would love for you to add me. My email is

Well, yesterday was all sweet and nice because of course, my husband is home. SO, TJ is being on his good behavior. I cannot stand this jeckyl/hyde crap!!! It is like you never know what is gonna make them tick! That is how it was living with my ex husband!

I dunno if his meds are not right or what, we go to the Dr all the time for med checks. He brought up the fact the other night that I take meds. Well hell, I have 4 kids, I had bed rest for the last 2. I was in labor (full blown) my whole pregnancy. I took shots and pills to stop labor, and I had to go in weekly!!! I had post partum depression really bad. I finally changed Dr's because they were basically doping me up, and I hate that feeling! So, I got off almost all my meds. He said that he didn't live here when I was taking meds, so it isn't cuz him! Well, even though they do not live with you, I was getting DAILY 6 AM calls about his behavior and crap. So, HELLOOOOOOO.....I TAKE MEDS FOR ALL OF YOUR SAFETY!!!

I get migraines really bad too! But, I have no time for an extra appt. and I already know it is tension headaches (from when I went to the Dr before about my migraines)This is what helps me.... (if you have spare money) which I haven't been able to go in a long while! I had a knot in the center of my back under my head (right under my neck, like a hump). I thought I was getting Osteoporosis! LOL....well, I started going to a REAL MASSEUSE! This woman does hot rocks and everything, and within 3 visits my knot was gone! It is expensive, but you cannot get relief from a spa! I tried that! I also went to Cosmetology School , and trust me, we learn BASICS there!! So, spa treatment is crap! My lady uses a vacuum thing and it gets the blood flowing where it needs to flow and it really feels GREAT!!!! It helps with my headaches and aching. Basically from being tense alot your muscles stay contracted causing tension headaches! The usual charge is $75 an hour....but they have discounts where you can get like 4 for $250....which is what I used to get. Just to give you a round about figure! I also told her upper back, neck, head, and arms! I did not need full body! Hope that helped!



jerilynne said...'s me..last nite was BAD!!! i had to call the cops again!!they took him away in handcuffs & put him thru a mini bootcamp...i'm afraid there is just going to b the "honeymoon" period like it was when he went to the hospital..we went to a new dr. today{old doctor moved..thankx doc..we loved him} he changed his meds..AGAIN..i could fill up a full notebook wit the meds he has tried...i wish that m's dad would take him for a that mean? i just reall could use a break..he hasn't seen the kids in almost a year..he usually tries to play daddy once a year around christmas...we r going out of town this weekend..i'm taking my 4 & my neice to my mom's..{bout 3 hrs away...wish me luck}i will set up a msn account sometime next week..i'm at work now and with the big weekend i won't have time till till next time...

jerilynne said...

oops i lied..well not really lied just didn't know my msn was still i'm gonna add ya..i'm