Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Pics


Taman and our cousin, Jamie

Greg and I


Can you say HAPPY?


Taman and Matt

Connor again

Greg trying to wear Connor's Saints Helmet! HAHA


Taman and TJ

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Out of Diapers on Xmas Day?

Well, thank God for Walgreens being 24/7 all the time is all I can say. Now, I feel sorry for the people that have to work on Christmas Day, but I am so happy that Walgreens is open EVERY Holiday!!! We woke up to one diaper per kid today(well, yesterday!) So.....Walgreens it was!! Of course, holiday shopping doesn't come without a price, the people working need to make a little extra for our convenience. It costed $40.00 for 2 pack of diapers! (small packs at that) But, I would rather spend the money than let them wear a washcloth or panties and underwear! EWWW!! I could just about imagine that mess! I do not know how people still use cloth diapers. I would go nuts! ]

Did I mention that Santa Claus went to bed at 2 am and the kids woke up at 5 am to see what Santa brought?? Oh yeah! My coffee pot wasn't on auto, because stockings and gifts were more important than setting my coffee pot. So, I had to drag myself out of bed, make the coffee, and try to see so that I could take pictures. I could barely open my eyes, lol. The kids however, were WIDE AWAKE! Especially when they saw their bikes! Carlee tore into every present in about 10 minutes, and Connor kept getting fascinated with each and every toy he opened. It was very fun, but tiring!

Ok, so...does anyone else celebrate Christmas like 5 days in a row? Now that I have my own family this is really hard! In order to be with all of the family we have to do Christmas every day! I guess I would rather 5 days of Christmas than my Mom and Dad together in the same room! HAHA! Or should I say their whole family!

On that note, we went to my Grandma's house, and seeing everyone made me feel REALLY OLD! I am young, but hey, I am now my aunt and uncles' ages when we would go hang out with them. Now, they are my grandparents' ages when we would go visit them. Did that make sense? Seeing all of my LITTLE cousins' that are like 24 now did not help me feel real young!

I am now listeneing to my 2 yr old, Connor, just sit here and scream at the top of his lungs for nothing. Or should I say for everything. Maybe he needs to go to sleep. Yeah like that is going to happen!

And of course, my oldest, Taman, wants to go shopping today because she has a wad of cash! Now, we cannot have her burn a hole in her pocket, can we? She doesn't want to go with us though, because we don't want to go fight the mall. Our idea of going shopping is going to Best Buy, Wal Mart, and the Bookstore! Connor is screaming so I can't blame her for wanting to get away today because God, I wish he would HUSH already!! Tylenol is calling and it is only 10 am!

Well we are off to shop like the idiots lol. Taman got her way of course, so she went with her boyfriend to go mall shopping. Wal Mart is bad enough for me! I will post later!

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

The Melting Pot, and Crocs of Course! has been a while since my last blog. I have been VERY busy with my uncontrollable teen, who is now staying with my brother until his court date. Sad to say, but it really is not good with him living with me. He refuses therapy, runs away, and other things that no one probably wants to hear. I went to The Melting Pot for my birthday! Well, did anyone know that it is a 3 hour meal? I didn't! Also, did you know you have to cook your own food? I didn't know that either! Well, I went because I thought it would be really nice to go to. Boy am I glad it was just my husband and I. DO NOT BRING KIDS TO EAT THERE! Trust me! So, here is how it goes. They bring you the wine menu and let you look at it for about 20 minutes, all the while, you are smelling everyone else's food, your mouth is getting dry, and you are now dying of thirst. The waitress comes back and takes your drink order. Then you choose which cheese you would like to have, which takes forever to pick because if you are like me, I had no clue what these crazy named expensive cheeses are. So, we now have our drink order placed and our cheese order placed. About 15 minutes later my wine comes, and Greg has no beer. Our waitress FINALLY returns to do our cheese fondue. Now, mind you, it is a spicy cheese that we picked and Greg did not get his beer until half way through. The poor man had to be just about choking, lol.

In the meantime, the waitress is making up our entree broth because we chose to skip the salad..Thank God for that or it would have been 4 hours! Well, we had a young waitress that was totally clueless. She was like, ummmmm sir, you wanted Amber Bita? What is that....ummm ABITA AMBER, A BEER! Waitress::: Oh HAHA! Reminded me of our 16 yr old daughter lol.

Then here comes a plate of RAW veggies and RAW meats.....yep,RAW! You get to cook it yourself for $100.00!!! WOW! They are smart! Let the customers cook and charge a fortune!

We had been listening to the waiter that was handling the table next to us because he knew what he was talking about, unlike little miss sweet and clueless. Our waitress couldn't remember how long to cook each meat for, so okay we learned from the next table.

We started out by trying to cook a lot at once, realizing that it is impossible. So, you cook ONE piece of meat by itself! No wonder it takes hours to eat! Now, the place is extremely nice, and they play calm and relaxing music! The ambience is fantastic and it is a GREAT experience.

So, after our hour ordeal over cooking the fine meats, which were really tasty, we get to order our chocolate YUMMY!!!! She brought a plate out that had marshmallows, cheesecake, and other dippers. Well, it was funny because she was explaining what each item was and she said oh the marshmallows are coconut and ummm........I can't remember, she said....OHHHHHHH OREO COOKIES! OMG I died out laughing. You cannot remember they are rolled in OREOS?

Another table arrived and the waitress was kind of loud, so you can't help but hear, right? So, we are listening to her, and she sounded like a tour guide. Waitress:: Here at the melting pot we believe in safety rules and measures, so please do not eat off of your fondue fork, and this spoon is your safety retriever in case your items fall off of your fork. OKAYYYYYYY!

They really need to find a happy medium between clueless girl and tour guide, lol. But, all in all it was a fun birthday! They even gave me a birthday card! It was very nice! Honestly though, I doubt we go back unless it is another special occassion. But, it is worth trying at least once!

Now on the crocs note....I bought Carlee some crocs, and got an email from the lady. It stated....Just to let you know, crocs fade in the sun if left outside and can also melt. Please do not put your crocs in the dishwasher. OKAY........People put their crocs in the dishwasher to clean them? Are they serious????? And shouldn't ANYONE be smart enough to know that just about EVERYTHING fades in the sun????

Well, I will try to post again later!

Friday, December 7, 2007

Nothing To Do??

As I sit here thinking of the things I should be doing, cleaning, sleeping some more while the kids are asleep, cooking dinner (maybe we will just have leftovers), laundry, dishes, making some Christmas presents, or even studying would be productive....I want to play text twist or type on here. Hmmmm....guess I have nothing better to do! I cannot get motivated this morning!

OHHH,,,,I saw another man in a mobility chair yesterday while picking up my daughter at her school. YES, HE WAS IN THE STREET, and I actually almost hit him. Now, can't you see a van backing up???

And why does her Catholic School have buses I am wondering. No, they do NOT go on field trips, and they DO NOT offer bus services. So, why do I pay for 2 buses to sit in their parking lot?? That NEVER MOVE??!!!

Another thing ticked me off with her school is this.... Now, we ALWAYS pay for gifts for tots or help a family in NEED, right? Well I sent in $20.00 for this so called needy single mom with 2 small children, in hopes that her kids can get a few toys, only to find out she wants a LAPTOP!! HELLO.....where the hell do these people come from?? Your KIDS need Christmas, NOT YOU! Buy your own laptop! My daughter, who is a total blonde, actually came up with a good one this time. She said, "if she wants a laptop, how are they going to afford internet, it isn't cheap!" Needless to say, they are getting toys and clothes!

Guess I should find something really productive to do! I will blog later!


So, are the holidays over with yet? Well, someone wake me up when they are over, lol. Even though this is my FAVORITE time of year, I am SWAMPED!!

I decided to finally, once again, go to the ER because I couldn't breathe last week. Well, of course I had gotten a relapse of Bronchitis along with bad asthma. So, IV steroids, 2 breathing treatments, and Antibiotics for me. Plus a ton of prescriptions! Boy, I am starting Dec. off good! Maybe I should go to the Dr.'s office more often! Ya think?? Well, I highly doubt that I am the only mother of 4 to neglect her own care for her kids!!

Now, I am trying to make my Brother a family photo book of when he was little (because he just had a baby), make his girlfriend a recipe book because she does not know how to cook or clean (SERIOUSLY, SHE LAYS ON THE SOFA ALL DAY AND HER MOM WATCHES THE BABY!) Man, that ticks me off! So, she will probably hate me for her gift, but hey, my brother has to eat, right? Shouldn't she GROW UP?? It isn't PLAYING house when you have a baby, it is REAL! Shoulda bought a damned doll!

I have some SPECIAL things I am trying to do for my Mom as well. But it seems that my kids like to keep watching me clean, so I have not begun those projects yet. They also love getting into whatever I am into at the time, so it becomes a mess and craft things get scattered everywhere!

Last night, I was going through the pictures, lots and lots of pictures, from ages ago. I kid you not, my little kids had to go down memory lane to find out who was who in almost EVERY picture. I finally got frustrated toward the end of sorting, and seeing all my pictures get crumpled, so I picked them up to call it a night.

Well, I started running fever again, because my maid, (HA! wish I had a maid) I mean I, cleaned all day long and just wiped myself totally out yesterday. So, I was extremely tired at around 9 PM. Of course, my kids weren't! My 16 yr old was giving them Hot Chocolate and Cookies, at 9PM!!! So, they were bouncing off the walls, at least until I fell asleep, lol. She gave them the junk food, make em go to bed!

I am fibbing, I didn't make her do it, my husband was still awake playing a game. It actually took me a while to go to sleep! I am not sure why, but I can hear him tick on his mouse or his game and every little thing annoys the hell of out me if I am trying to fall asleep!!!! Once I am out, go for it, blare the TV, turn your game up, snore, whatever....just let me FALL ASLEEP FIRST! Am I the only one with this problem?? I know I have a huge problem with this. But I am laying there, and hear "click, click, click." Then a noise or two, then some music!! GRRRR!! ANNOYING!!!!

Well, on the bright side, my kids are so far.....(I shouldn't speak too soon)...pretty well! My 14 year old finally must be on the right meds because we have been having a great time with NO blowouts. Now, I didn't say he does not get upset! But hey, that is normal! All in all though, he is doing fabulous!

Ok, time for some more coffee to keep me awake! Carlee woke up all but early today and is going through a phase where only a certain person can fix her her food. Ummmm....are you hungry or not??? Then who cares who fixes it!! SHE DOES!! So, Taman had to make Cinnamon toast (while complaining) and TJ made the milk, well she wanted Taman to do the milk too!!! OH WELL! So, I have heard SCREAMING for an hour. Finally, she ate it after I had to cut it into 4 squares, drank her milk, and by pure luck Connor is still asleep! How else could I have written this?! HA! Well, off to get more caffeine!