Wednesday, April 1, 2009


YEP!! Sorry, I seemed to have forgotten that I even had a blog on my myspace page, which I have not written on in a year. Go figure, with 4 kids, school,a husband, and stress that goes along with all of that how could I forget???

Well, updates....HMMMMM--

Carlee is in PreK4 now, woo hoo, but of course the fun has been lost now, and every morning she hates getting up and going to school. Well, I think she is upset at the fact that Connor is still home, and he gets to go to Chucky Cheese with his Aunt, and he gets to eat lunch at a drive-thru (yeah...lunch is drive-thru, because I get sick of having 10 meals on the table that he wants until I fix it, so nuggets are easier!)

I cannot wait for Connor to start school next year so that I can get out of my nuthouse and substitute. Wait, isn't that just going from one nuthouse to another, lol?? Kinda' huh?? Well, it is different when you are teaching other people's children, trust me!

Taman is getting too damned old for me, and she is making me feel O_L_D!!! She will be a Senior next year...GEEZ...where does the time go? So, of course, since we are so close, I have been whining that she has chosen a college 2 hours away from home. Now, I know that I have a year and a half left before she leaves. But, you have to go apply, go get your apartment, and all of that....NOW!! So, that is affecting me somewhat.....You always say, man, when they get out of the house.....well when it is time for that to really start crying. I was actually quite shocked that she came in my room the other night (we have been playing tag seeing each other because she is always gone) and she laid next to me and cried, and said she missed me, so I said...UH HUH....Are you SURE you want to go so far away from home?? I think it will hit her soon, but I still think she will go. And who am I to hold my child back from getting a good, that is life!

TJ is in Youth Challenge and Development, YEP--I finally got some help for him! He was going from friend to friend....and living anywhere, and I could never find him. So, the state picked him up and took custody of him because the lady he lived with kicked him out. Yeah---the lady that stood in court saying how she LOVED HIM LIKE HER OWN SON---GIMME A FREGGIN BREAK LADY!!! I hate that he is in there, but he is getting all of the help he needs. I actually got to see him last weekend! He looks great! He is now wanting to get his GED and go to Job Corp....SO much improvement on that end. He is there for 6 months, and I have been balling over this, but I know he is where he needs to be...and one good thing is that he is drug free now!!!

Greg, well he is always healthy, but he has been having colon issues. For your own safety, I won't go into full detail, lol. But, it does have me worried. He has a colonostomy on the 21 of April!

Me, well, I decided one day to go to the Dr., ya know, because "MOM'S" NEVER GO TO THE DR.......Well, I found out why we never go, lol.....I have a cyst in my sinus, I now see a chiropractor 3 days a week, my neck is curved backwards which causes my migraines, and I also get trigger point lidocaine injections every 4 weeks,I now have my own tens unit to shock myself with, lol... and I have chronic Bronchitis, andddddddddd I need to stop smoking. SO.....THIS IS WHY WE DO NOT GO TO DR'S!!!! LET THE FUN BEGIN!

Well, as fas as me in school.....I am taking a leave for 10 weeks, because I need to get something off of my plate for a while...(I WONDER WHY) But, I have maintained a 4.0 in all of my classes, so "GO ME!!" They want me to take Honors, buut I am going to pass on that offer for now.

Tonight I guess I have to go Prom dress shopping, because guess when Prom is....THIS SATURDAY!!!!!! So, I asked Taman where this guy is that she was dating...I NEVER see him anymore....she said "I KNOW" does that mean?? I said are you SURE that ya'll are going to Prom together????? This is HIS Prom....Are you sure??? So, of course, now I have to go on a wild hunt for a dress, then go all over and look for MATCHING shoes!!! Tonight is going to be sooooooooooo much fun......Anyone wanna' be me for one night, lol??

Well, I got up at 3 AM so maybe I will lay on the sofa for a few minutes since it is almost time for everyone to get up, haha....Hopefully I can keep up with this blog. If not, well, that is what LIFE is all about...LIVING LIFE.....NOT ON A PC!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Daughter's Mardi Gras

All last week up until Mardi Gras Day (well part of the day) my daughter spent time with her boyfriend and their friends, along with my neighbors. Yes, they had ADULT supervision!

The first night that they went, which I cannot remember what night it was. Thursday or Friday of last week, the parents go to meet up with the kids and they cannot find their truck. Of course, the kids laugh it off saying the parents are too drunk and do not remember where they parked. They search a LONG time for the truck and GUESS WHAT?? The truck is stolen. YEP, STOLEN!! Now, this truck isn't a junky truck. Why would someone want that. This is a souped up 40K truck that has his wife's purse with all of her identification in it, their marraige license (they are going on a cruise and it was in the door)money under the mat (because he hides money from his wife there lol) and their other car keys with house keys on the ring! WOW how nice! The people not only get the truck...they get to use the debit and credit cards and they know your address and have your house keys! WOW! They also have your other car key so that they can steal that one too! SO far, the truck has still not been found! So that started the jinx of Mardi Gras for gets better!

They slept outside for one parade with their tent. Well, at 2 AM the police come by them and wake them up....for what you ask??? Their tent was too dark. 2 AM your tent is too dark because you are sleeping. SO, the cop gave them a TENT TICKET! WHAT IN THE HELL??? So, they have to pay $50.00 because the tent was too dark...OKKK!!! Dumbest thing I have ever heard. gets better!

Endymion night they all head out for the ball. They get there and my neighbor's husband is on a float, so the are not leaving until he gets off of his float of course. His wife goes home because she forgot something. Why she left, I have no clue.

She gets home only to realize that she has no keys to get in their house. She only had her son's phone with NO known phone numbers for HELP. She ends up calling our other neighbor, who does not know directions well at all!

She gets directions on how to get back to the Superdome, the totally WRONG way! She ended up in a REALLY BAD AREA and was out of gas. GREAT!!! At least she was near a gas station AND a cop!!!! The cop watched her until she left!

THEN........she finally made it back to the Superdome...and the parade was held up because someone had a heart attack DURING his route! All of the teens were swamped with beads GALORE and had had enough. Well, not the girls lol, they were still pumping. The husband got off of the float and was TOTALLY he could have cared less if he stayed or not. SO.....they all ended up coming home for 1 AM instead of 4 AM! WOW!! WHAT A NIGHT!!!!

Also, one guy was getting off of a float and the tractor behind him did not see him getting off, and he ran over him, killing him. Come to find out the guy on the tractor was that guys brother! Isn't that awful? SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!

Our Mardi Gras Day and pics up next....LATER...after my 3 yr olds Dr's appointment!

Mardi Gras in NEW ORLEANS!!!

Ok .. so, for those of you who do not know how Mardi Gras works here in New lasts about 1 to 1 1/2 weeks. The kids even get out of school for a whole week!! AND EVERYTHING, well JUST ABOUT EVERYTHING IS CLOSED ON MARDI GRAS DAY!!! Which is FAT TUESDAY!!! On that note...

My Aunt and Uncle came down here from Michigan for Mardi Gras this year. They have only been once, and that was in 1967! Yes, people come here JUST FOR MARDI GRAS!!

We ended up walking to the parade from another one of my Aunt's houses because she lived close to where we were going to stand. (my mother says it was about 8 blocks and not as close as we said it was)

My mom complained the whole time while walking to the parade, from her toe hurting (she said she THINKS she broke it...that is a whole nother story) to her back aching.

We finally get there and pick our "SPOT" and wait an hour or so for the parade to begin. Hearing griping on when the parade was going to start, where the parade was going to turn, were we going to miss it....BLAH BLAH BLAH.....NOW HOW CAN YOU MISS A PARADE IF YOU ARE IN THE STREET??? Can't you see the HUGE FLOAT COME BY YOU??? She also thought that we were not in a good area to get the beads...UMMMM OK...we were right where it started....HELLLO!!!!!!

She was especially upset when she saw that people had what she called a "BETTER SPOT" than we had. OK....yes they were by their vehichles and a portolet.....BUT........THEY SLEPT THERE!!! She begged to differ with that, but we even saw people going to get fresh ice for their watered down ice chests....NOW, why would they need fresh ice??? BECAUSE THEY SLEPTTTTTTTT THERE TO SAVE THEIR SPOT!!! YES....PEOPLE SLEEP ANYWHERE TO SAVE A SPOT!!! Anywhere they can plop down with a blanket, kids, tent, ice chest, strollers, ladders, stands, everything but the kitchen sink...some even bring their own portolets so they don't have to stand in line waiting to pee in a nasty puked in, crapped in portolet, only to find out AFTER they pee that there is NO TOILET PAPER!!!

Well, we were standing in our own little spot. Me, and my two youngest, with my husband and other family members. It had been about 3 long hours, when a lady starts raring up! Her husband was mad as well, for a reason that was unkown to me yet. The husband had been drinking alot so he was gone....I finally see the lady yelling at my other Aunt. Now, this Aunt and Uncle are from here, and have rode on and done floats for 30 years. So, we ALL know too well how people get over a stupid bead!

Come to find out, my Aunt from Michigan had been walking (running) with the floats and the people next to us were mad because she was taking their beads. is that taking your beads???? Let me say this.....IF you ever come to Mardi Gras here...

Be prepared to get SLAMMED with beads if you look prepared to have a drunken someone next to you complaining about how that is their bead...YES BEAD!!! Be prepared to get knocked off of your feet over a stuffed animal. (I have even had an animal yanked out of my child's hand before...and tell me, why do I still go?) People get CRAZY over getting ANYTHING!

Needless to say, after the man and woman kept on, I was Mardi Gras out! I was ready to leave that parade, before the guy really started to fight! So, we headed home!

Now remember, we had walked about 8 blocks to get there. So, you can imagine that my mom was NOT ready to enjoy the nice walk home. She had continuously begged us to go get our cars so she would't have to walk back. Well, no one was going to drive in a circular pattern over and over to get a car there. COME ON....THEY BLOCK ALL THE ROADS OFF!! So, we walked home hearing the same stuff all over again. FUN FUN...I hope she doesn't read my blog lol!

My days of camping out is over, we go for the kids, but you can forget sleeping there to save a spot. On the other hand, my 16 year old daughter is a major campee!!! I don't think she missed one parade, and that is A LOT OF PARADES!

She also paid $160.00 for the Endymion Extravaganza, and her boyfriend did NOT have his thinking cap on when they were supposed to go get his tux....NOPE..he was smart enough to wait until the day before their BIG NIGHT OUT...So, guess what? He paid $300.00 to OWN his tux....YEP he now OWNS a tux that he will probably outgrow before he uses it again!!!

In case you do not know what this is....When the HUGE FAMOUS parade is done with their route, they stroll into the Superdome....this is why you PAY to see it...Now, you have to wear a formal to this and you have to PAY to see the SAME EXACT parade that is on the street, where of course, people have slept there to see. But hey, you don't have to sleep on the street and you are guaranteed a spot!

The funny thing is, the ticket ONLY PAYS FOR YOU TO GET IN! You buy or should I say BRING all your alcohol, any drinks or food, and anything else you may need. Such as tennis shoes, because you get there at 5 PM and you start seeing the parade at 11 PM....THAT'S RIGHT! even get a great bathroom with NO TOILET PAPER...AKA A PORTOLET!!! YEP.......IN YOUR BEAUTIFUL FORMAL DRESS YOU GET TO USE A PORTOLET!!! You can just about imagine by now that yes, your dress will be ruined by the end of the night! Unless you have an amazing Dry Cleaner!

So....that teaches you what?? IF you indeed ever go to the EXTRAVAGANZA....wear a dress you no longer need, get fitted for a tux AHEAD of time, bring you some toilet paper if you want to use that nasty portolet, and bring some tennis shoes!!

More on Mardi Gras DAY and my daughter's Mardi Gras in a few!! I woke up to my 3 year old crying with croop and my husband had been taking care of her all night! I was out like a light before 5 PM. Thank God for a good husband.

Now, my 2 year old woke up and decided he wants he wants a donut stick...ok get that...nope he wants an oatmeal pie...ok fine...then he cries saying he doesn't want that, OK WHAT DO YOU WANT????? He then takes the oatmeal pie and sqeezes it in his hands....then cries it is broken......OK??? YOU SQUISHED IT...THAT IS WHY IT BROKE!!! I think it is time for him to go back to bed!!!!!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

DMV and Dr's plus Mom all week!

Once again, I have not posted lately. I wonder why. Well, my husband has been out of town, my kids have been on a sugar high it seems, my 16 yr old daughter has raging hormones, and my mom came and stayed for a week. Busy?? Just a tad.

Why does it always seem like kids have more energy than us? I swear, I give them NO caffeine, no candy, or anything...I take vitamins and energy pills and they can out last me any day! I cannot figure this one out for the life of me.

My daughter got her permit, so for anyone who lives near me, watch out lol! I don't know how the heck she passed...I guess paying $500.00 to a driving school ensures that you will get your permit! We went to the DMV about 2 weeks ago. Me, my daughter and my 3 and 2 year old. Of course, the good mother that I am, I did not feed the little ones before we left because we were in a rush. Nor did I pack any kind of snack. I assumed at 10:30, which everyone told me going at that time would be fast, I would be in and out.

I dropped my daughter off in order to get in line while I found a parking spot nearly a mile away. I received a phone call while parking, which was her, but she had hung up. I drag both kids out with the diaper bag (at least I brought that), and finally get in. Only to find that my daughter is standing on the side line, looking like she had no clue what to do. She said she didn't know where to go. SOOOO...I was like umm you see the 500 peole in a line??? You get behind them! DUH!!! Well, I got a crappy number, of course.

The people that worked there were so friendly! NOTTTTTTT!!! I swear they are not people persons! Me, on the other hand, will talk to the person behind me in Wal Mart! So, we FINALLY get our number called! YEAHHHH!!! We fill out paperwork, thinking we are almost through. NOOO....go sit back down and they will call your number again shortly for lane 19. What they really meant was..... you can go home and feed your kids, nap a while, and come back in about 3 hours and we will still not have called your number.

My kids kept whining...when are we leaving, and I am hungry. By now, I am feeling like a bad mom for not packing a snack. So, I bust out the healthy full filling peppermints! Now, my 2 year old ALWAYS wants a mint, and I ALWAYS end up with it all licked and slobbered on in my hand, because it is too hot. But I give them to him anyway...why do I do that?

People come and go, and we are still there. Starving kids, a paranoid teen, and I did not bring my medication to keep me sane in this crowd of people.

FINALLY we get our number called for lane 19 which is the testing lane..WOO HOO...only 5 minutes, right? It is only about a 40 question test. I see kids come and go once again, most with frowns because they failed. SO, there are a few chairs near the testing lane. Well, I plop down with all my kids, only to hear the lady yell at me.."IF YOU ARE NOT TESTING GET OUT OF THE SEATS!!" Well, why I didn't think that didn't applied to me, I don't know. So, she repeats it SCREAMING TOWARDS ME! NOW, I am paying you, right?? So, me and my little kids move out of the oh so special seats that noone is in, and are all empty except for my daughter, mind you.

My son ends up falling asleep across a chair and my 3 yr old kept asking when we could go home. After a good half hour I decide to go ask what the problem is. I got yelled at again by another worker. "THEY WILL CALL HER WHEN IT IS HER TURN." Ok well when on earth will that be, lady?? Can you check to see for me?? "NO...WE ONLY HAVE 3 COMPUTERS AND WHEN SOMEONE GETS FINISHED SHE WILL BE CALLED!" By now, I am raging! My blood is pumping and my heart is beating fast. I am so ready to leave, but why leave now when I have waited this long!

My daughter comes out with a huge smile...WOOHOO....we don't have to come back here for another test. So now it is time to get in line to pay and take your picture. The lady who takes the payment yells at me, "GET BEHIND THAT RED LINE...NOT IN FRONT OF IT!" Now, noone else is in front of me, I have 3 kids with me, a diaper bag, and my patience are running thin. I am lucky I held out this long. SO, we all back up and get BEHIND the red line. I watched as the lady did all of her paperwork while I waited, taking her dear sweet time. Then, slowly picked up the files she is supposed to call. How nice, I am so glad my time is worth money there. Well, they take little breaks in between helping us, like there is nothing else to do, and they all share jokes and laugh with one another. Now, I would have caused a stink by now, but was fearful they may not let my daughter finish, so I waited until this last lady dealt with me. After all, they have my money now, and it is picture time. Then we can finally go through a drive-thru and head home!

After the lady finished up with me, I had a few choice words for all of them. They can laugh and joke with each other, but treat me and everyone else like dogs? Well, I got on my high horse and needless to say, they will probably remember me when it is time to get her license. But, Oh well. I was sick of it!

Greg went out of town, and Taman decided she had a demon inside of her. I swear, she acted like TJ the whole week. I was ready to choke her. Now, of course dear old mom was there supposedly to help, and yeah I guess she sort of did, but I felt like I still did everything around the house. I usually do not feel like that. But she wouldn't even let me take a nap. HMMMM....guess she was there for company. Gotta love that, because we ended up fighting a few times. She was telling me how much I stress and things of that nature....UMMMM....that is like the pot calling the kettle black...WHO DID I GET THIS ANXIETY FROM....OH YOU MOM!!! Sure I did enjoy her visit, when she wasn't ragging me. But I still did everything while she was there. My favorite is the "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Now, after all this chaos during the week, it was time for Carlee to go to her Gastroenterologist appointment. Remember, she cannot potty correctly with number 2. I get in there and thank god I filled up her purse with a ton of things to do, because the nurse got cocky with me saying my appointment was for 10:30, not 10.....No, I heard the girl right, she said 10!!! But, whatever. So we wait again! I am getting quite familiar with this waiting game!

I had a paper where I wrote down things to tell this Dr.---I MEAN NURSE PRACTICIONER! So, I get in there and she is telling me how Carlee is full again. NOOO....REALLY??? This medicine NEVER cleans her out like it is supposed to! But, lets keep taking it...WHY NOT???

Well, I give her my Pediatrician's opinion, which she disagrees on. OK...I LOVEEEEEEEE my Pediatrician....and I really do not like you....and you disagree??? I have been seeing this goofball for almost a year and a half and all she knows how to do is play up and down with med doses. HMMMM....I SEE NO PROGRESS WHATSOEVER!!

She tells me that Carlee needs a chart to show when she goes and gets a reward after so many stickers. Now, I only have a 16, 14, 3 and 2 yr old. AM I THAT DUMB???? Don't you think I have tried M&M's and prizes??? She cannot feel the sensation of when she has to do #2 so we have accidents. So, I looked this goofball right in the eye and said..."IT APPEARS TO ME THAT YOU SEEM TO THINK I AM DUMB!!! WELL, I AM NOT DUMB AND MY OLDEST 2 WERE POTTY TRAINED BY THE AGE OF 2. THIS CHILD IS DIFFERENT AND CANNOT TELL WHEN SHE HAS TO GO. NOW, YOU WANT TO PLAY THIS MEDICINE GAME AGAIN THAT DOES NOT WORK! BY THE WAY, I NEED A NOTE FOR HER TO GET IN A SPECIAL SCHOOL!" Oh I was HOT! I am going to Childrens' this next week so I can see a SPECIALIST. If I had not needed a note for her to get in school I would have walked out!!! So, I HIGHLY doubt (SHOULD I SAY, I KNOW) that we go back to see Miss KNOW IT ALL....who only has a 4 month old...with no issues! I am so glad a NURSE PRACTICIONER that IS NOT a SPECIALIST or a DR feels the only way to handle this, is a damned chart! GRRR!!! I am getting mad all over again. Last time she said my child needed a therapist....COME ON LADY!!! She can pee on the potty....SO, see a therapist?? OKKKK!!!

Well, I will post later if I have time!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Potty Training anyone? lol

Well, the time has come for my hubby to go back to work! GOSH, I am gonna' miss that! He changed EVERY diaper while he was home! The kids want HIM to do EVERYTHING! After having 2 with a dad who did nothing, I got smart when I had Carlee and Connor. You LOVE Daddy, huh?? You are a Daddy they are in love with dear old Dad! Well, he is different from the ex (or I wouldn't have married him of course) but he is wrapped around all of their fingers just as bad! They say JUMP and he says how high! REALLY! He is a great dad!

On that note, we decided to put Carlee in panties yesterday. Until she went to the grocery store with Dad. I made her wear a pull up just in case of an accident in the store. That would not have been good, and I was staying home, so she would have had to went in the mens' bathroom. For all you men with daughters that have to potty with you, I feel for ya! Well, back to pull ups and panties, I cannot figure out how in the heck I potty trained my 16 year old at 11 months! M&M's worked for her. Now, Carlee does have the colon issue, but man, this is sooooo hard! After having the pull up on for the trip to the store....where they managed to not follow my shopping list and got extra junk items that we really didn't need.....she decided she hated panties again! HMMMM.....this is going to be a J-O-B!!! I think I might start training Connor and saying how BIG he is! The only down fall to that is.....he doesn't care if his underwear are wet or not. SO, ANOTHER J-O-B! The joys! This is one of the joys that I am not fond of! I have to keep telling Carlee to try to go potty! Although she did make a wish on her Shining Star animal to help her become potty trained!

I need a tape recorder so I can just press it at any given time and not waste my breath!

Imagine that!---
Carlee try to go potty
Connor stop jumping on the sofa
Taman can you check on the laundry
Carlee try to go potty
Car,Con,Tam, I mean whoever you are....I said stop! Ever did that name game?? lol

Maybe I do need that! HEE HEE! SO, you get the picture!

Well, our holidays were fun and the kids still want to see if they are on the good list and call Santa! HA! This will only last a few more days I am sure!

I hope our New Year's Resolution lasts longer. After seeing some pictures Greg and I are both like OKKKK....the weight has taken over us! So, hopefully we can stick with it and get some pounds off! I hate the fact that he can drop the pounds off by tens and I get one pound off by then! WHY IS THAT?? How can men lose so much more weight faster than women? It doesn't matter if a man is don't even notice it. On a woman, it MATTERS!!!!

Both Carlee and Connor waited up until midnight New Year's Eve because unlike me, my neighbors (between 2 of them) spent roughly $500.00 on fireworks. Now, we live in the city, where fireworks are not allowed to be shot, but you can buy them?? I don't quite get is legal to sell them, but illegal to shoot them? Something is wrong with that picture! Anyway, the kids screamed and cried that the fireworks were too loud. So, I stayed in most of the time and Greg attempted to take pictures amongst all the smoke. Which, might I add, failed. Oh well, we got to watch a free show, cuz I wasn't spending a dime on that!

Enough posting and back to yelling for Carlee to try to potty....tape recorder is sounding good lol.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas Pics


Taman and our cousin, Jamie

Greg and I


Can you say HAPPY?


Taman and Matt

Connor again

Greg trying to wear Connor's Saints Helmet! HAHA


Taman and TJ

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Out of Diapers on Xmas Day?

Well, thank God for Walgreens being 24/7 all the time is all I can say. Now, I feel sorry for the people that have to work on Christmas Day, but I am so happy that Walgreens is open EVERY Holiday!!! We woke up to one diaper per kid today(well, yesterday!) So.....Walgreens it was!! Of course, holiday shopping doesn't come without a price, the people working need to make a little extra for our convenience. It costed $40.00 for 2 pack of diapers! (small packs at that) But, I would rather spend the money than let them wear a washcloth or panties and underwear! EWWW!! I could just about imagine that mess! I do not know how people still use cloth diapers. I would go nuts! ]

Did I mention that Santa Claus went to bed at 2 am and the kids woke up at 5 am to see what Santa brought?? Oh yeah! My coffee pot wasn't on auto, because stockings and gifts were more important than setting my coffee pot. So, I had to drag myself out of bed, make the coffee, and try to see so that I could take pictures. I could barely open my eyes, lol. The kids however, were WIDE AWAKE! Especially when they saw their bikes! Carlee tore into every present in about 10 minutes, and Connor kept getting fascinated with each and every toy he opened. It was very fun, but tiring!

Ok, so...does anyone else celebrate Christmas like 5 days in a row? Now that I have my own family this is really hard! In order to be with all of the family we have to do Christmas every day! I guess I would rather 5 days of Christmas than my Mom and Dad together in the same room! HAHA! Or should I say their whole family!

On that note, we went to my Grandma's house, and seeing everyone made me feel REALLY OLD! I am young, but hey, I am now my aunt and uncles' ages when we would go hang out with them. Now, they are my grandparents' ages when we would go visit them. Did that make sense? Seeing all of my LITTLE cousins' that are like 24 now did not help me feel real young!

I am now listeneing to my 2 yr old, Connor, just sit here and scream at the top of his lungs for nothing. Or should I say for everything. Maybe he needs to go to sleep. Yeah like that is going to happen!

And of course, my oldest, Taman, wants to go shopping today because she has a wad of cash! Now, we cannot have her burn a hole in her pocket, can we? She doesn't want to go with us though, because we don't want to go fight the mall. Our idea of going shopping is going to Best Buy, Wal Mart, and the Bookstore! Connor is screaming so I can't blame her for wanting to get away today because God, I wish he would HUSH already!! Tylenol is calling and it is only 10 am!

Well we are off to shop like the idiots lol. Taman got her way of course, so she went with her boyfriend to go mall shopping. Wal Mart is bad enough for me! I will post later!